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Flutter listview scroll not smooth

Flutter listview scroll not smooth. Using scrollable class with key. This is the 'intended' functioning. Mar 17, 2023 · Which shows nested Scrollbar and ListView respectively. There are certain things, which I have changed in the code, so just look at the end result, and make the amendments. builder is a constructor of the ListView class in Flutter, designed to create a scrollable list that only builds the widgets currently in the user's viewport. For the same reason, you can click and drag using the mouse, and the page will move up and down. Can't add a comment, so left it as answer. ListView provides several built-in features that allow you to control the scrolling and navigation behavior of the widget. You could achieve that by setting one of these two properties to the ListView. Your GridView uses my dummy Container () Widget in place of your widget generateProximityEventCards (snapshot May 12, 2023 · 5. Ensure you do any disk access, network access, or SQL access in a separate thread. Hoping a perfect solution. // your card list here. 0-34-generic, locale en_US. class HomePage extends StatefulWidget {. This property controls how much offscreen widgets are rendered, and will help by causing the rendering to start a bit sooner. on tap of the floating action button you will be scrolled to an index of 10 in a list of items. I've already achieved the wanted result using SingleChildScrollViews and Lists but that doesn't allow me to handle the loadMoreRows thing in an Mar 17, 2020 · Wrap your ListView (or any other scroll view) with Listener and listen for PointerScrollEvent: Flutter Web "smooth scrolling" on WheelEvent within a PageView. Prashant Vaddoriya. This will allow the ListView to scroll. Comparison Without With Features. Sep 21, 2021 · However, scrolling is not enabled and not all images can be rendered. Feb 3, 2022 · Hi @MaxDBpy, Thanks for filing the issue. Closed. The docs state the following: Scroll physics that always lets the user scroll. Animate smooth scroll based on speed of user's scroll. While scrolling on a mouse, the page feels janky/not-so-smooth. The motivation behind this package is, while using the official Flutter SDK the scrolling experience on web is very jerky and feels laggy to overcome it and provide more quality scrolling this package is developed. final controller = AutoScrollController ( //add this for advanced Mar 4, 2020 · 1 Answer. return SliverToBoxAdapter(. found in release: 1. Jul 24, 2020 · Flutter Long list poor performance. 18. Dec 14, 2021 · controller: AdjustableScrollController() // default is 40. search); @override. And you don't need SingleChildScrollView if you already have a ListView. IgnorePointer. A ScrollView that creates custom scroll effects using slivers. Hope this works for you. Flutter: Make ListView bounce at the bottom and clamp at the top Nov 17, 2020 · Please check out my written tutorial, on how to make scrolling on Flutter Web smoother, at https://hobbister. BouncingScrollPhysics by itself will not create an overscroll effect if the contents of the scroll view do Jan 28, 2022 · Add a comment. (we already have on parent, therefor using loop) SliverToBoxAdapter _buildBody(double screenHeight) {. horizontal, Aug 15, 2019 · 2 Answers. Some of the most common constructors include: ListView: It is a simple Nov 28, 2023 · The ListView. perfect answer. class. You can use physics: const NeverScrollableScrollPhysics (), on listView, the parent widget is already handling the scroll event. So today we will see how we can do that. Jun 22, 2022 · I have hard time achieving premium app scroll affect/speed like spotify, smooth scrolling with slow speed. You are using ListView inside CustomScrollView. I found a solution on how to fix the problem, by adding primary: false, property inside the ListView. There's a property within listView () that tells it which irection the overflow is so as to scroll. 3. 2. Use ScrollController for that it works smooth and simple to use. Aug 29, 2021 · Usage of Column () + SingleChildScrollView () SingleChildScrollView behaves the same as ListView, but it is best when using different Widgets with different Sizes, just in need of scrolling Controls a scrollable widget. This will solve the issue. Thanks for the help. Jun 4, 2021 · 1. horizontal, children: <Widget>[. Set the Smooth Scollbars for the listview as below: listView. ensureVisible (dataKey. count: 6, // forcing the indicator to use a specific direction. Set it to. But you can replace listView with Column widget. Are you looking to implement 2D scrolling ? Can you also try by using SingleChildScrollView or something like ListView. Already tried with changing physics b/w clamping and bouncy they doesn't affect the speed. See full list on medium. horizontal, child: Row(. You should add scrollConfiguration than only mouse scroll and touch event will work. A catalog of Flutter's widgets that enable or support scrolling. network. g. answered Aug 3, 2020 at 10:54. More details here. 5. To test the status of your app, you can enable StrictMode. controller: controller, // PageController. Both widgets provide constructors that require a builder method Scrolling. You can't have a scrollable widget inside another scrollable widget without setting a proper height for the inner one. Remember, web is still in beta, and currently most Flutter Web apps look and behave like Android Material/iOS apps, which obviously don't have a scrollbar. I tried many solutions but no one is working. MouseDown="OnListViewMouseDown". Sorted by: 13. Please remove singlechildscrollview and simply wrap your PoyntsList with expanded. 505 5 9. To solve the problem, replace ListView with SliverList — special widget for displaying list of items inside CustomScrollView. scrollDirection: Axis. Also, I have noticed that, as an IT nerd, I'm more willing to overlook technical "weirdness" (like the scrolling) than a average user. This issue is just on iPhone 13 pro and 13 pro max I remove everything about heavy components and big images and create a new empty project just for testing and still have the same result. const HomePage({Key? key}) : super(key: key); Sep 22, 2019 · a: fidelity Matching the OEM platforms better a: quality A truly polished experience f: scrolling Viewports, list views, slivers, etc. But flutter, default speed is too fast which doesn't looks like same as Spotify. 04. Then PRESS M to save shader file eg. Controlling Scroll and Navigation in Flutter ListView. image. builder ( primary: false, shrinkWrap: true, itemBuilder: (context, index) { return InkWell (. The key to a smoothly scrolling ListView is to keep the application’s main thread (the UI thread) free from heavy processing. 10. builder widget, so now it looks somthing like this: return Container ( child: ListView. Smooth scrolling while using trackpad in laptops but the issue/use case comes for desktop users. May 18, 2022 · when you need to trigger scroll to a specified index, you can call. Aug 26, 2023 · There can be a few reasons why a ListView in Flutter may not be scrolling. In below code I am rendering CircularProgressIndicator and InAppWebView at once to avoid the white screen displayed (Apart from splash and launch screen) by the InAppWebView at the time of loading. impo Mar 2, 2021 · 2 Answers. You can with using this: Create a global key for your specific item position like this final dataKey = new GlobalKey (); Add to this specific position the key key: dataKey. First wrap listview with ScrollConfiguration and add behavior. I would suggest you to look into PageView. it will work. Jul 1, 2022 · I'd like to suggest a different approach. position Jul 29, 2020 · Flutter Webview scrolling is leggy or not so smooth. Dec 6, 2022 · 2 Answers. Feb 26, 2024 · Scrolling to the end of the ListView does not work as expected. This ends up not looking very good. Make sure that you are using a ListView. Create a new stateless widget called ParallaxRecipe . I tried using Listview and Sliverlist, but the performance of my list is very slow. On web, the performance is already lower, so it's easy for a native mobile or desktop app to not have issues with Dec 28, 2019 · Wrap it with an Expanded widget: Sometimes, a SingleChildScrollView widget might not be scrollable if it doesn't have enough space to expand. key}); @override. Using controllers in list view/pageview. To implement the larger part, the scrolling when the mouse wheel is pressed, we will need to make use of the MouseDown and MouseMove events. Aug 18, 2019 · dependency: flutter_widgets. Jan 12, 2023 · Web Smooth Scroll. The rubber band effect on the flutter page is working, although not as smooth as on the html page. Surround you ListView with Expanded widget. 18 framework flutter/packages/flutter repository. In this article, we will discuss 3 ways to scroll to a specific widget in any flutter app. delayed(const Duration(seconds: 1), { scrollController. Our tiles_scroll_perf test is such an example. Jan 15, 2024 · The problem is in the user's page in the scroll of the list view. 0 version. A package to help you provide a smoother and aesthetic scroll feeling. 3 LTS 5. 1. My flutter version is [ ] Flutter (Channel stable, 2. I can achieve this by wrapping the Text within the SingleChildScrollView however i want to have the functionality of a header that can automatically hide Apr 17, 2023 · Smooth page indicator will inherit directionality from its ancestors unless you specify a directionality by passing it directly to the widget or wrapping the Indicator with a Directionality widget from the flutter package. There is currently a GitHub issue opened on this topic Nov 29, 2021 · There is another solution with the use of SliverList, but it would complicate too much without additional benefits. Compared with Android Native ViewPager,the animation of the PageView in Flutter seems to be slower and users only to wait this slow animation to completely stop , they can drag the internal ListView. Expanded widget tells the screen to allow as much as space the widget wants to take. The ListView builder takes more than 16ms to build the ListTile even in profile mode A Material Design scrollbar. Jul 27, 2017 · 2. name. May 31, 2020 · I am using a Wrap widget to wrap a bunch of cards and sometime the number of cards are high and causing the scroll to be unsmooth and sometime the app stop if the cards has images. builder () rather than a ListView () widget. You have other options as well, like ListView or GridView to display multiple elements. A box in which a single widget can be scrolled. The scroll stops immediately instead of gradually stop. Jun 10, 2022 · Skia engine performs better when shader's are precompiled. Jun 16, 2021 · Flutter ListView scrollPhysics does not work when it's in SingleChildScrollView. vertical, it work correctly. I've attached a video demo-ing my experience. Jun 28, 2018 · When the ListView is on either side, on this side there is no fading. Scroll physics for environments that allow the scroll offset to go beyond the bounds of the content, but then bounce the content back to the edge of those bounds. child: // your code. linear); }); //👉 If you want infinite scrolling use Feb 21, 2024 · The ListView displays correctly, but I cannot scroll through the items. then you could scroll the child ListView inside the parent ListView. Please help me to changes my code to work properly? When I set scrollDirection equal Axis. Sep 18, 2021 · Feb 23, 2022 at 6:44. CustomScrollView. setSmoothScrollbarEnabled(true); Share. Dec 20, 2019 · I just started learning Flutter. Flutter Web listview don't detect the mouse scroll or drag event. Note I have not added complete code. com/2020/11/17/smooth-scrolling-with-flutter-web May 25, 2022 · When I set scrollDirection equal Axis. position. You set it up exactly like ListView and works the same, except you now have access to a ItemScrollController that does: jumpTo ( {index, alignment}) scrollTo ( {index, alignment, duration, curve}) Simplified example: ItemScrollController _scrollController = ItemScrollController(); ScrollablePositionedList. ListView( // This next line does the trick. An Android optimization. First ListView, we could use it parent ListView with physics as NeverScrollableScrollPhysics() and then you could use another ListView inside the parent list view. Add a comment. For example, to create a scroll view that contains an expanding app bar followed by a list and a grid, use a list of three Jan 23, 2024 · New Flutter Developer --> I have looked at numerous asks regarding scrolling and it looks challenging based on implementation. Jul 31, 2020 · Use Column () in place of ListView () Use NeverScrollableScrollPhysics class, it disables the scrolling for the Widget. I don't know if this problem is related to the way I am using ListView, or related to using it on a GetX Obx. To display a list of parallax scrolling images, you must first display a list. build. It will look like this: initialPage: 0, controller: controller, scrollDirection: Axis. For example: Expanded(. Overal it's ok, but not impressed like I expected for a 2. If you are using multiple scrolling widgets, wrap one ParentListener around your app to ensure all are using the same physics. Choppy scrolling present. This has been used on a scaffold's body. I've tried several variations to extend the ListView to the bottom of the screen while keeping it scrollable and avoiding the "Bottom overflowed by x pixels" error, but none of my attempts have been successful. A widget that is invisible during hit testing. In HTML and CSS there's the option to add May 5, 2019 · comment: Add option to smoothly animate stepped mouse scroll deltas #32120 (comment) What remains here is blocked on Differentiate trackpad from mouse wheels on web (Windows & Linux) #139990, we need to know what is a mouse or trackpad. A sliver is a portion of a scrollable area that you can define to behave in a special way. And my complete code (which is basically just the example on the Working with long lists guide. Nov 19, 2023 · The Flutter ListView widget is a common scrolling widget that helps to put multiple items under it and provides either horizontal or vertical scrolling. I read a lot articles and posts about ListView for Flutter and all the things I've seen are simple list with text. Mar 19, 2021 · Expected results: Scrolling with mouse wheel should be the same way as scrolling using the mousepad, the fluid smooth scrolling animation isn't there. Or use ConstrainedBox. final ScrollController _scrollController = ScrollController(); // Checks if it needs to be scrolled or will get OOR. The choppy scrolling is present in both the cases; I’ve tried the cached. If you want you can specify a parent or rely on the default. Proposal. May 16, 2015 · The other way is to make use of the ScrollToVertialOffset and ScrollToHorizontalOffset methods exposed by both ScrollViwer and IScrollInfo. That will help you to avoid those janky frames. And flutter version is Stable Chanel 2. With this, you can convert the card list into PageView's children, where it will give you one-page swipe at a time. class HomePage extends StatelessWidget {. In reality, this same problem applies to all implicit scrolling, whether in a PageView, ListView, GridView, or any scrolling view at all. primary: false But using the ListView. The ListView is entirely unnecessary. builder is a powerful Flutter widget used for efficiently creating scrollable lists or grids of items. Ensure you have a working Flutter project set up before you begin. Share. Using slivers to achieve fancy scrolling. The Wrap allows dynamic behavior across different devices size. UTF-8) Any ideas? ListView. Oct 31, 2019 · You need to make the ListView. A single scroll controller can be used to control multiple scrollable widgets, but some operations, such as reading the scroll offset, require the controller to be used with a single scrollable widget. 18 Occurs in 1. The ListView widget supports horizontal lists. answered Jan 28, 2022 at 19:22. Flutter app scroll has jittering on iOS 15. ListView is scrollable by itself. At that point, the Flutter framework might not have completed the rendering of your new items, so when you call scrollController. For complex and big list items, there are only about 3-4 items per screen if there's just a single list so our throttling bug isn't revealed. This widget is useful when you have a single box that will normally be entirely See more widgets in the widget catalog. Set the Scrollable Widget to Control to the name of the scrollable widget (e. Jun 9, 2022 · For smoother scrolling in flutter web projects. It does not override the handling of overscrolling. Trying to come up with standard approach and cannot get it to scroll. controller: AdjustableScrollController(80) // scroll even faster. Use the standard ListView constructor, passing in a horizontal scrollDirection, which overrides the default vertical direction. This will also respect the width of 150 that you indicated in the Container, which it doesn't do in the ListView Mar 25, 2020 · 4. Uses universal_io to detect if platform is mobile or desktop. For a free, instructor-led video workshop that uses DartPad, check out the following video about using slivers. Sorted by: 1. Sorted by: 6. class ParallaxRecipe extends StatelessWidget { const ParallaxRecipe({super. Logs Jan 4, 2018 · To always have the scroll enabled on a ListView you can wrap the original scroll phisics you want with the AlwaysScrollableScrollPhysics class. Search and select the Scroll To (under Widget/UI Interactions) action. hosein moradi. 3. For example, this code will automatically scroll so that the end of the list is visible just after it builds the list: class MyList extends BouncingScrollPhysics. @override. builder(. Aug 17, 2020 · When I scroll from bottom to top (most recent to older comments), the scrolling is very smooth with no problem, but when I get to the end of the list (oldest comment) and start scrolling back down, there is a weird jump between the comments and the scrolling is not smooth at least for the first few scrolls. You can see live example here. ), Feb 6, 2021 · 1. You can try wrapping it with an Expanded widget to give it more space to expand vertically. 0, on Ubuntu 20. 4 at starts but after resume from the background will be smooth. The gif has the flutter listview and also Oct 21, 2019 · I should also mention that I need to use ListView widgets so that I can implement a loadMoreRows function to load more data and, if possible, to not make Flutter reload all the widgets in the page. . Do As Following. This section’ll explore some common use cases for controlling scroll and navigation in ListView. Actual results: It doesn't scroll the list smoothly. Navigating to a Specific Index in ListView Select Actions from the Properties panel (the right menu), and click + Add Action. answered Jun 25, 2013 at 12:07. Jun 26, 2020 · Create a new flutter project with the name “flutter_stream_project” and make sure you have this project structure: Now first create a model class with name “Photo” and copy-paste the Apr 19, 2017 · The issue you're facing is likely because your list is not fully rendered when trying to scroll to the end. Actually, the Text widget is the one that prevents the ListView from receiving pointer events. In addition, You could use the below example. Even I use scroll controller jumpTo or animateTo it does not work. there are more configuration. The simplest one is to use the SingleChildScrollView widget that automatically scrolls its child when needed. Jul 9, 2018 · The first is to set the cacheExtent property to a larger value in your ListView constructor. builder: physics: NeverScrollableScrollPhysics() or. Setting Up Your Flutter Environment. I am using opacity to display one widget at a time. children: <Widget>[. by use this code, when I use app in touch screen laptop, scrolling by lag!!! class ScrollViewTest extends StatelessWidget{. The second is to pre-cache your images using precacheImage. Within ParallaxRecipe, build a widget tree with a SingleChildScrollView and a Column, which forms a list. This overrides the default behavior which is to disable scrolling when there is no content to scroll. Automatically detect if the wrong ScrollPhysics is being used and update using provider. Text('hi'), Text('hi'), Text('hi'), You can use Expanded widget to wrap your listView . And I faced one big problem which is bad scrolling in complex list. Using scrollable_positioned_list package. static const _extraScrollSpeed = 80; // your "extra" scroll speed. Set the Scroll To either Beginning (to scroll to the start) or End (to scroll to To achieve initial scrolling at a particular index in a list of items. Feb 15, 2020 · However, implicit scrolling in any context never has any animation accompanying it, just transitioning to the next view position instantly. SliverFillRemaining isn't needed here, so the code will be: Scaffold(. controller. Let's say we have 5 different item type in our ListView and some item type must display images and it's infinite scroll. In my flutter app, I try to use scrollController to scroll listview in listBuilder but ScrollController is not working properly. builder the way you're using it Aug 16, 2021 · The problem is not with GestureDetector. To get more or less fading adjust the stops in the LinearGradient. Nov 18, 2017 · 1. horizontal. In your Flutter app, you first need a list of items to display in your You might want to create a list that scrolls horizontally rather than vertically. You can wrap body Column with SingleChildScrollView and use shrinkWrap: true, and use physics: NeverScrollableScrollPhysics (),. Perform transitions and animation as much as possible in your app. builder and pass horizontal and vertical scroll directions and see if it helps you can see the details in video. json. Aug 3, 2020 · 2. final _controller = ScrollController(); Dec 29, 2022 · But you can't find any way to do that. Like the standard ListView but better; Scroll smoothly no matter what platform you're using (web, desktop, mobile) Scroll through CustomListViews using the directional keys on your keyboard; Support scroll switching between mouse and trackpad Apr 15, 2022 · 1. key}); @override State createState () => _UsersPageState (); } class _UsersPageState extends Mar 17, 2022 · 9. Create a List. Oct 26, 2021 · 4. A scrollbar indicates which portion of a Scrollable widget is actually visible. Sep 27, 2018 · The ListView Builder is slow compared to native apps. You have different options to scroll your content in Flutter. The ListView widget provides several constructors that allow you to customize its behaviour according to your needs. ScrollController _scrollController = new ScrollController(); Add controller to LisView like this : ListView. Here is your example with the option added: Dec 23, 2019 · I’ve tried using without animation and with animation. I don't know how to work out this problem. maxScrollExtent, duration: Duration(seconds: asset. Jul 12, 2018 · Disable the scroll of ListView and add SingleChildScrollView on top. I feel that the user experience is worse than native android ViewPager. If you are still experiencing a similar issue, please open a new bug, including the output of flutter doctor -v and a minimal reproduction of the issue. begin) even more, with a fixed row height, you can give it a suggested height for more efficient scrolling. Dismissing the Virtual Keyboard on Chat Area Click. If you using PageStorageKey, have a lot of items in the ListView, scroll down plenty items and have lag on tab switch, the solution is to provide itemExtent to ListView. builder not scrollable so the SingleChildScrollView can scroll. Running your code sample I see scrolling seems to be smooth and I don't see any choppy behavior, could you please share the video recording of the sample code on the reproducible device, I did run on stable and the master channel and scrolling seems to be smooth. The widget works for both scroll directions and handles reverse: true. You should set your physics to AlwaysScrollableScrollPhysics () . Jun 8, 2018 · You can implement scrollable row in flutter using below code. This is the behavior typically seen on iOS. Oct 11, 2023 · 1. animateTo(scrollController. Anybody some thoughts about the slow code? final Map<String, String> search; SearchResultsWidget(this. Follow. If the time to build one item is greater than 16ms you'll see stuttering. flutter run --profile --cache-sksl --purge-persistent-cache. A CustomScrollView lets you supply slivers directly to create various scrolling effects, such as lists, grids, and expanding headers. This will make the Text widget ignore the pointer events and let the ListView receive them Feb 3, 2023 · This article shows you some different ways to programmatically scroll to a desired item in a ListView in Flutter, for instance, scrolling to the item with the index of N when the user presses a floating button. Users page the horizontal Scroll : class UsersPage extends StatefulWidget { const UsersPage ( {super. I need a ListView section in SingleChildScrollView to have PageScrollPhysics, but the ListView does not scroll accordingly unless I change the SingleChildScrollView's scrollPhysics (between line 35 and 36) too, which is not my desired behaviour as I still have 1 Answer. Here's the relevant part of my code: Scaffold(. It's particularly useful 3 min read · Sep 29, 2023 Jun 14, 2021 · You could use two ListView widgets for this problem. Would like to know the use case you are trying to achieve by having above widgets hierarchy. Scroll controllers are typically stored as member variables in State objects and are reused in each State. Each approach mentioned in this tutorial comes along with a complete example to make it easier to understand. content_copy. ScrollConfiguration(. Add the command that will make the page scroll to your button Scrollable. For simple and small list items, raster caching or not doesn't affect the performance much. 11. builder(controller: _scrollController,) In your initState to scroll to bottom when navigating to this screen. Dec 20, 2018 · ListView. com Sep 20, 2019 · mentioned this issue. In the buildContent wrap your IncomeTransaction () into Expanded: like Expanded (child: IncomeTransaction ()). Once resolved, an adaptation of the Chromium SmoothScroller is in [WIP] Opt-in for smooth pointer scrolling A flutter plugin to implement smooth scrolling on desktop and web. Sorted by: 10. Let’s go through them one by one and provide some examples: 1. Below is the code for the first solution. As I understand, without itemExtent ListView don't know which items immediately show, because using PageStorageKey cashed only Sep 28, 2022 · Scrolling in Flutter. Lastly, in a typical chat app, there is an interaction where the virtual keyboard hides down when the general chat list area is tapped while Apr 24, 2022 · You can achieve this by wrapping the SingleChildScrollView in a Container/SizedBox with defined height, or by wrapping it with the Expanded widget. Improve this answer. Nevertheless, you can easily fix it using IgnorePointer. Mar 20, 2021 · This thread has been automatically locked since there has not been any recent activity after it was closed. sksl. You call the scroll method after adding elements to your list and changing the state. Even I give the maximum value like 1000 and 20000 in animateTo and jumpTo it Jun 20, 2019 · // String of images to be displayed in listview @override void initState() { // 👈 create animation in initState Future. I'm having a list of messages and after getting all the previous messages or after sending a new message, I want my ListView to get scrolled to the bottom. That should fix. I have done this because in the previous version part of my content was not visible due to the fading. builder and it's variations build on demand, which means all the FutureBuilders inside resolve when the frameworks try to build that particular item. , ListView) added to your page. Expanding on @creativecreatorormaybenot, if you want to do this after you have added an item, of course you need to prompt it to draw with a setstate, but there are some other critical pieces. scrollToIndex (index, preferPosition: AutoScrollPosition. Jun 25, 2013 · 2 Answers. Missing or incorrect physics property: Make sure that the physics property of your ListView is set to a scrollable physics such as ClampingScrollPhysics, BouncingScrollPhysics, or AlwaysScrollableScrollPhysics. Both are scrollable so the conflict occurs. This lazy-loading mechanism is crucial for optimizing resource usage and ensuring smooth scrolling performance, especially when dealing with long or infinite lists. Scroll physics that does not allow the user to scroll. You can just loop over the entries inside the column directly. answered Apr 15, 2022 at 12:06. child: SingleChildScrollView(. dimiril · 12 comments. Mouse. currentContext) This is the full code for scrolling Mar 6, 2020 · 4 Answers. Oct 30, 2019 · How to achieve ListView smooth scrolling in Flutter · Issue #43808 · flutter/flutter · GitHub. length * 10), curve: Curves. horizontal, scrolling did not work. Even if the Items are loaded from the internet, the scrolling is very slow. Jul 11, 2019 · I am trying to create a flutter screen using the CustomScrollView and Sliver widgets where the SliverFillRemaining has a Text widget that can scroll down like reading scroll-able text content. It doesn't show errors or exceptions but the List is not scrolling. You can use slivers to achieve custom scrolling effects, such as elastic scrolling. Sep 3, 2022 · There are a few things that could be causing this: Make sure that your ListView is inside of a SingleChildScrollView. jc km tj lt ud sz ja vi ch mu