
Autonomous vassals ck3 reddit. You can give them to your primary heir too.

Find all prospective heirs of your border lords and raise them to be primarily greedy, and maybe some bravery, but try to avoid dishonor. My vassal was my own son, who I had an alliance with, near 100 relationship and who was my heir. I won the English throne and gave the duchy of Normandy to one of my brothers. You can do this an indefinite number of times, as either the game does not give you a truce, or the truce isn't activated because of something. [1] For every vassal above the Vassal Limit, -5% is imposed on vassal taxes and vassal levies, up to -95% . rcdt. I'll also often give war declaration to vassals of my dynasty, and deprive non-dynasty vassals the right to war, so eventually they get wiped out. 2. I think vassals should be called in automatically if the liege losing means the vassal loses the title, and should be able to The independence war is not the issue here. Duke of Boulogne, 1066 start. It has a place in CK3 but this is not it. There was a very stark difference. Forced partition them all. It also requires all powerful vassals to either have a positive opinion of the liege, be imprisoned or be terrified . Counts almost all have the 'not de jure liege' malus, which reduces opinion and tax/levies. g. The first thing you need to do in CK3 (just like in CK2) if you play settled is to establish yourself in a good fat duchy with many good fat counties. Because one thing is to pacify 2-3, another is to try to pacify 20 before they inevitably go apeshit and declare succession wars they cannot ever win. Unless you have High Crown Authority your vassal's are allowed to war amongst themselves freely. Make sure you don't incur tyranny, not exactly sure what the penalties are but can't be good. Dunno what your long term game is but you can revoke titles and give them to your heirs. It also helps if they're martial or steward lifestyle, since they're the most effective in waging direct war. Only way to negate this is to personally own the duchy above them, which then runs into the problem you have with too many duchies. 1. Being in an alliance with your vassal prevents him from joining a faction against you, and from declaring war against you. • 2 yr. if you’re being attacked, they are automatically in your war as they are also being attacked. That results in it being easier to grasp, yes, but it's not a bad thing. CK3: Advice on getting vassals to join Claimant Factions. It's not unusual for AI characters to wait to their forties before marrying. only when you reach vassal limit should you grant lands to kings. You need to pay attention to your succession. Start a war, give to each one of them 100 levies, send them to attack the enemies strongest generals and territories. Yes, its that ridiculous. You can fabricate claims on your vassals lands, especially if you can imprison them with a crime they committed, then you get no tyranny revoking titles, or revoke weak people lands (low army, one single county) preferably near your target, same duchy. Any Thoughts? I'm playing Dualism and I can't declare holy wars on anyone. The reason control is low, that they lose the siege for the castle. Being a vassal duke in CK3 is very powerful if your king is not your de jure liege. Share. Like a vassal could potentially negotiate to be an independent tributary or integrate a tributary as a vassal of the realm. Your vassals definitely, absolutely should join you in wars where they're losing land in case of your loss. and then I give them a kingdom in my empire and make sure that is their land. Force vassals to fight in Kingdom vs Kingdom wars. Temple Baronies will be granted to generated Theocratic Barons who are Theocratic Rulers. when your Character die and heir took the throne puse the game. Other then that, the only way to do it is to simply be stronger then that faction. Autonomous Vassal made vassal more Disloyal. Still he has got a number of strong vassals, which together, may field even more troops than the What traits make vassals build, develop? I think I found a pretty good exploit, but I need good vassals to do the thing. Vassal limit is to big, which permitted creating of very big empires. I tried granting my direct Count level Vassals to my Dukes but this does nothing. You only get the levy from your vassals, not their armies. I could toss them in the dungeons but that lowers their health making it more likely that they’ll die, their titles passing to their heir who could join a faction. Why do you prefer having counts as vassals? Almost always better to have duchy level vassals as a king or emperor anyway. Old hags or GILF (grandfathers). As the Roman Empire at one point I had 80 vassals above the limit and bearly felt the consequences (maybe 60gold per month difference, was making 700, and 10k levies, i had 150k). Factions are not a good mechanic in this game. Mountains surround your de jure territory as well so you have nice natural borders which are easy to defend and discourage expansion. I have been giving most vassals 1 county and giving my son another county and give son the duchy sometimes I gotta give vassals a great county’s ad/or a duchy BLAH!! I find it easier to keep an eye on only a few relative strong ones. I do that from time to time to screw up the successions for vassals who are getting too big for their britches. basically, you appoint a Major, then give him the county with the city/barony, and then the county, this makes him a Republic vassal and there are differences (hes a major cunt :P) City majors don't have a wife, you can marry If former then you can simply convert them. But do not worry about vassal controll. Get as many counties inside that duchy as your limit allows and try to get the best ones. Crusader Kings 3 by Paradox Interactive. Fast forward a couple of years and the king of Brittany invades Normandy. Is there a part of this that like takes away loyalty points or something that I should know? Changing government type of a vassal. With maxed Crown Authority vassals can't declare wars even outside your realm. Use your realm priest to fabricate a claim on one of them. r/ck3. They can do something that can force you to change a partition succession. Or piss him off enough that he declares independence and crush the revolt. I'm the emperor of hispania and various other regions. They desire those douchies held by my Vassals giving me a -100 Oppinion modifier in total for both of them. Had a vassal create one. With the right optimization, all republican duchies are better than feudal/clan vassals. Another option is to make them an ally by marriage. This can be bolstered if you are a vassal and the steward of your lieges realm as it gives you around flat +1. Bohemia is a good place to play as a HRE vassal. I grabbed some counties of neighbouring fellow vassals but suddenly can't do this anymore. Like, if you have the third metropolitan dynasty perk (from spain), a republican vassal will pay you 35% of their taxes and 25% of their levies, and throwing in the republican legacy cultural perk (from an italian culture) bumps that up to 45% taxes and 30% levies at the cost of a moderate opinion penalty. Try not to let them get so powerful in the first We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. You can also just fabricate claims on lands with your Bishop, it takes a year or so to justify and costs some Why cant i press my vassals (and dynasty members) claim as casus belli? she is a girl in a male dominant world (religion), which means you can only use her claim on other women children and incapable rulers. Go to your character screen. If you're overwhelmed by too many vassals demanding stuff, you can always give them to another vassal, if they are a lower level. Edit: Most of that in less than 10 years. Worse, people with lovers pox. Your brother has been king ever since your last character died and you didn’t notice. CK3. Or they’ll just marry house members creating inbred vassals. This was a HUGE part of medieval politics. I dunno how well that’ll work, but there’s my theory and 2 cents. In my opinion, vassals should join their lieges war, if their own territory is directly affected by war-outcome. Pretty much what it says in the title; I Jul 17, 2012 · Mayor level vassals should prefer autonomous vassals since they have no vassals Counts should prefer limited crown law because they want to be able to control their barons to some extent Dukes should prefer medium crown law because they have more vassals that could consolidate their holdings and challenge them for rule. 3 Share. The top law, combined with house seniority, is basically getting primogeniture a whole Era early. However after a few generations I’m struggling with my vassals becoming too powerful and trying to take areas from me as well as many many people having claims to my lands and few to title as ruler of Byzantine It sucks because I get vassals trying to place the “rightful ruler” and waging wars against me while others try to take lands. Count of Vermandois in 1066 (the last of Karlings). now first start Execution prisoner until you rich like 80-90 dread. The problem is that i can not seem to figure out how to "transfer" Vassals as the game tells me to. I like that idea. CK2 limit was much smaller, 20 if I remember. I could easily take him in a war, but he refuses to plot (making it hard to imprison him without tyranny step one, kiss ass to papa pope. Once you’ve imprisoned them, you can take all three So I forced my contract to disallow title revocation, and also successfully pushed for "Autonomous Vassals" crown authority which does not allow revocation. The Men-at-arms are very clear on what they do, army leadership is too, etc. Vassals can declare for their liege and raise their armies in defense of the crown, declare neutrality, or side with the rebels. The button is greyed out and says I cannot call a vassal into war even though they show up as an ally in the declare war menu. I think you can only press claims for people in your court. So I like to play with 'pets' as vassals. is it just me or is it how the game is programmed or can you do something to make it more likely for them to use the culture changing mechanic. If you really want them to have it you should just make it for them. I started as Ubbe Ragnarsson and conquered all of Scandinavia and the British Isles, creating the High Kingdom of the North Sea. The Perfect Vassals. Share your stories, screenshots, mods, tips, and memes about this historical grand strategy / RPG game. There is an exploit to make it go without tyranny wars, still quite tedius, but totally worth it as you can get 1134 damage 934 toughness pikemen, 200 gold a month, 50 prestige per month, 100 piety per month. if you are a leader of faith only hold religious holdings, and make your vassals into theocracies as the extra piety gain makes them a money maker and can help you field a massive MAA army. Right now I look on my empire and I have 70 vassals with no limit in sign. Award. Play as the father/Uncle of the first 3 rulers of the Kingdom of Jerusalem. I was playing my game normally and suddenly when I went to check the realm section, my crown authority had gone from maximum to autonomous vassals, and my succession law had been set from primogeniture to confederate best way is that you always keep a lots of Prisoner. In that case, it needs years to increase it. However, you can generally weaken them by (i) improving their opinion of you (Feast, Pardon Crime, Forget Hook, Send Gift, Keep in Council); or by (ii) being such a dreadful ruler they won't do anything against you, ever (though it will be hard on your successor). Then I started plundering the Mediterranean and conquered the whole of Italy and huge parts of France. Mar 26, 2024 · Succession law. I have done it to my vassals before in contracts. I've given a few of my same faith/culture Vassals duchies for the land they own so I could grant them Vassals (many were locked to 1 realm size because they only held a country). It's an interaction, so you'll either need to give them something else so they agree to your demand, or put them in a position where they can't (ie imprisoned, or if you have a hook on them). Ever since the new update changed the Clan government tax system I've not been able to use it as a feudal ruler to assign tax collectors to clan…. next host feast and Increase vassals Opinion. So, around 5 kingdoms you basically have to have 4 king level vassals. I am playing a long 400 years game. All is nice and dandy except one thing - the kingdom of Castille is a feudal kingdom. I find old dynasties I liekd playing like Munso, Yngling, Svarrson, Inigia, Rurikid, etc. Another vassal has 16790 levies and has a maximum contribution of 4278. Can't Declare Holy Wars. You can have a large de jure Duchy or a small de jure Kingdom and the mine helps you make lots of money. Crusader Kings is a historical grand strategy / RPG game series for PC, Mac, Linux, PlayStation 5 &…. Give it to someone in your dynasty or someone with good stats you can marry a daughter to matrilinealy. Yeah, you can sway them, but you can only sway one person at a time. Then get this. Changing gender or succession laws costs 500 Prestige if government is Feudal and 2000 Prestige if government is Clan. You can give them to your primary heir too. You have to make alliances with other rulers to get allies in a war (or if your own kinsmen are rulers). Crusader Kings is a historical grand strategy / RPG game series for PC, Mac, Linux, PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X|S developed & published by Paradox Development Studio. Engage in courtly intrigue, dynastic struggles, and holy warfare in mediæval Europe, Africa, the Middle East, India, the steppes and Tibet. CK3: Question about vassals becoming the head of their dynasty. The goal of my run was to form a strong, united European empire with a quasi-imperial administration relying on republic vassals only. Now things has changed, you want less vassals (this means they are stronger) because it is the only way to be able to deal with them and make them happy. This causes your contract obligations with them to be far, far less than they otherwise would be, and as such it is easy to get a permanent council seat or other powerful bonus in exchange for increasing them. I ended up adding all of Western Russia and the Caucasus. This is especially frustrating in a civil war because you'll have multiple vassals' armies to deal with but any alliances with your own vassals just keeps them out We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Government was based on personalities, if the vassals of a lord didn’t support their liege they would often join the efforts of other people trying to claim overlordship of them. 24K subscribers in the ck3 community. Throw feasts, tour your realm, imprison and execute a few unruly vassals to boost your dread (may start a civil war), seize vassals land and distribute to more favorable vassals (might start a civil war), go down the diplomacy tree to boost your opinion, set diplomat councilman to boost interior relations, marry children to vassals to prevent strong vassals from joining factions, sway, seduce It is ultimately a balance between managing a small ammount of land and many vassals, or managing a large ammount of land, and few vassals. . Do you perpetually stay at autonomous vassals and accept every independence demand the Ai throws at you? Factions fire in 3 years at the weak end and in 1 year when everyone is in them. From there you should be able to just hand the land you got from doing all that to the vassals you just pissed off to make them happy again, while simultaneously cleaning up the borders. A scenario, i just came out victorious out of a war with Uppland while playing as York, as a victor I took some coastal land in south of England, I was over my domain limit so I gave to province to my brother who already owned another province bordering the freshly conquered one, so I give him the land and basically look away from the British Isles for like 3 months, when I looked back, some The best way to gain money is to go down the middle stewardship tree and build a bunch of buildings that generate cash. To build on it, like the feudal contracts in CK3 could have a wider range of relations with semi-autonomous vassals. So try to raise your primary army when you seen “Can send ultimatum in 2 or 1 months” and then park your already raised army at the capital of the claimant or the strongest of the rebellion faction. Like if I work for a weak duke and negotiate an amazing contract and then get independence from him to the king, why should the king have to honor that same contract. Unfortunately not. I have 2 unpressed claims on neighbouring counties and for neither of them I can't go to war anymore. Once you win the war you can revoke when they are imprisoned, and then release them. Find secrets on your vassals. You can't even sway 2 people by the time a faction fires. So i have a situation where a vassal of my culture owns only provinces of a different culture but i never saw them convert it, they do it with religion but for some reason dont do it with culture. •. I think you have to click on the war then it will light up. Strong. True, a super strong vassal sleeps while his holding istaken by someone else, his family dies due to sieges. step three, ask for claims from pope daddy. If you’re fine with some tyranny, it’s very possible. If later, then well, you can also convert them. Same for when you take over a kingdom with certain CBs. Combination that with instant mobilization - bad game design. One of the three lifestyles gives a lot of controll growth. Jun 4, 2024 · The vassal limit is the number of direct vassals (excluding Barons) a ruler can have without penalties. They can bypass this however by having a Hook on you, or by having a specific right (War Declaration: Sanctioned) in their vassal contract. However they aren't becoming the dynasty head and I'm worried they will You can revoke counties with once you hit a certain level of crown authority. And then the same thing happened, immediately "lost" the county after winning the war and making peace. It is primarily based on the rank of the ruler's primary title and can be increased by title laws and traits. This feature got me back to playing eu4 because i find it so annoying. For example, imprisoning people, befriending people, marriage alliances, blackmail. You could do this this to consolidate counties to less vassals. You will always have powerful vassals. Just take the prestige hit, you’re a count. Make them someone else's problem 😄. Falendor. Dealing with non-de-jure vassal kings with autonomous vassals. The majority of my vassals provide very low maximum contributions. Sometimes there are vassals who are getting too strong or just have a lot of opinion maluses against you or have lands that you want (or want to distribute to someone else). You may think that has something to do with the de jure liege mechanic, and you'd be right. Metrinome. although i find i dont have to manage my relations with them that much. Good traditional catholic names. You don't. step two, watch out for non-adult title holders or female title holders. it helps if you have high piety level and / or have the good Christian traits e. Thank you! I think if they end up with enough mana they will create it. Warfare has always been relatively easy in both CK2/CK3, CK3 just has a better UI and clearer choices. Raise crown authority. Most consider me hostile, I consider them evil. Updated to support the latest CK2 version (3. If it's vassals that are doing it, improving their relations with you will help. Continuous Scaling Effects: Vassal Limit Modifier = (CENT-75)/ (-2. Duke of Portucale in 1066, to form Portugal. Vassals can't join your wars but they already provide troops in the form of levies. Done. You can technically stop vassal wars or increase crown authority. Go for development map mode in the bottom right and grant the worst lands to kings and keep the best land under dukes. Click that, it will take you to your ally. Jizya special status and all other statuses in the old contracts which depended on it also do not work correctly anymore. At the start of a civil war, every single vassal in the realm will be called to pick their side, creating multiple blocs of loyalist and rebel factions throughout the realm fighting for dominance. Educate their heir with the martial education. Sounds tedious af 😫. • 4 yr. the too many vassals penalty is almost negligible after a point. My religion does not have ether pacifism Tennant. Can anyone tell me what i am missing here? I just tested it and it seems to take a few months time in game to subtract the vassals from your limit after granting Discussion. If you remove the highest title they have all their vassals become your vassals which may help in being able to quickly give several counts Most of my vassals either rot in house arrest, dungeons, or execution. Those guys will get a few generations of unrestricted war declaration. Independence means that vassals secede from the realm, not put a different king on the throne. If you are of a different faith, you can demand that your vassal convert. I will give you an example, the kingdom of France often ends up with a weak king who can only field between 6-10k troops. Also you're in a bad situation when your vassals have so much military strength. 3. Does this have…. The king of france is becoming rather annoying. Either way once they are your vassal then you can grant them independence. 5) Domain Limit Modifier = (CENT-20)/ (20) Domain Development Growth Factor = log (CENT+10)/ (1. Reply. 5) Tiers: If yes, either take their land away or increase your crown authority to a level in which you cannot lose your land by means such as inheritance. 1) The only thing you get is a malice with the person you are revoking from and a war. Currently the problem is that in a Kingdom vs Kingdom war your vassals/dukes will probably not do anything, except give you levies. There is also a Dynasty unlock that makes vassals less likely to rebel I think. consider giving feudal vassals the coinage right: granted state for your same culture vassals for faster innovations + tax + levy. They did in CK2 anyway. They can only press their demands if their power reaches certain percentage of yours. Wars are the main way people get prestige, thee Ai is no different, it will fight to be famous and maybe get some do jour lands around. Any help is appreciated. My biggest vassal is the king of france, who also owns most of aquitaine. Sometimes they will rebel anyway. If you find criminal stuff on the right vassal you can imprison them and revoke titles from them. The Vassals you create will be loyal to you at very high opinions. Which means they give everything they have to you. One of my vassals has 15838 levies, but only has a maximum contribution of 2223. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. The benefit of allying with them is that it keeps them out of factions. Plus claims and all that are easier inside the realm. I'm playing a Muslim Iberian empire and I just conquered the Kingdom of Castille and gave the title to one of the vassals which was nice enough to convert. if you’re attacking, you can’t make them join. r/CrusaderKings. 445K subscribers in the CrusaderKings community. Ck3 has certainly streamlined it, but the decision points are a lot more visible and up front. The Emperor's crown authority is set to "Autonomous vassals" so I should be able to wage war against other vassals. siriannn. I typically have level 4 crown authority, and I still want some of my vassals to expand, particularly border vassals. Since they will fill the to their trait coresponding trees and more than one tree if they life long enough you have a better than 33% Chance they will get the controll boost. Usually other vassals are weaker than external enemies so they will target them most of the time. humble, chaste, etc. I started a campaign as William the conqueror. But if you have crown authority 3, they can't go to war with other vassals and are forced to go outside the realm to expand if they wish Autonomous Vassals can no longer be called to wars Adjusted factors for AI to increase chances of rejecting becoming an Autonomous State if they have chance to gain the throne (Are among two most powerful vassals), or if their relative power to the ruler is more than 5. R5: If you stack every (non-RNG) source of vassal tax/levy increase onto powerful theocratic vassals, you can reach 100% tax and levy contribution. But my Kings are not fond of that. step four, invade. I'm sure this post has been made before but I wanted to add some ideas to the table. Diplomatic relations are on the right, in blue. Might as well grab a title or so. Most religions will face this issue, the only exception being Ash'ari and Maturadi (AFAIK, there might be more especially with Islamic faiths) as they can make a vassal into a Grand Allamah to give every powerful vassal a council position. • 3 yr. You can have them not convert and for most religions this will grant you a revocation reason. Yes, I have also taken notice of this issue. Granting this County (Can only grant Temples to adults of your Gender Law. House arrest to prolong them from joining factions. You can marry family members to someone outside your lands, sorting for alliance power, maybe Try and maintain at least High crown authority. Get your crown authority to limited and you can start revoking titles from vassals/baronies to get some more domains. Keep your county limit obviously and anything in your within your dukedom’s region. Ah yes, Abdul, Rafiq and Agathos. Hope this helps. It seems like the only use of allying your vassals is to prevent internal Omega_des. I'm Manichenist and I share boarders with several religions. I know vassals contribute some levies to the ruler, but the duke of Normandy stands to lose a lot more than my other vassals. Jan 8, 2022 · Reworked Civil Wars. You need to actually do stuff that prevents people from joining factions. Once you have a Theocratic Count, grant them additional Counties with Temples till they are over their Domain Limit. Sure it makes sense to preserve nobles traditional rights and culture but not for holy wars etc. ) will create a Theocratic Vassal. If you're not playing as either, just stick the most powerful vassals in the council positions you can. At this point I actually own the Dutchy of Thrace, but cant hold onto Constantinople Vassals liking you is not enough to prevent factions bro. 5-3 ducats a month (depending on leige rank) which is super helpful early. You could also have him assassinated. Then start developing those counties starting with capital county. So I turned my vassal Ovdal Lodhum that had 51% Liberty desire into an Autonomous Vassal and they went from 51 to 100+ disloyalty. 2. I can name numerous examples of Anglo Saxons siding with Danish efforts to take the throne of England from William the We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. If they do not or you have the choice. By "European" I mean: Spain, France, Britannia, Germany, Italy, Scandinavia, Balkans, Greece, Eastern Europe, westernmost part of Russia. ago. They either don’t marry or marry the worst candidates possible. If you capture him the war is over and all the vassals that reveled will be imprisoned with a revocation reason. Get all three of them mad at you so that when you revoke the county you have a claim on, all three rebel. Yes, it is, the third law disables your vassals from warring each other, the top one dissallows them from war at all, making them more managable. There are three types of law affecting succession to a title: gender, realm and title. Crusader Kings. Join the community of Crusader Kings fans on Reddit. I started as Chieftain Rikulfr a count under Bjorn in Sweden 867. Vassal of the French king. Right click on ally -> call to war. You should definitely abandon partition for primogeniture and when you end up with absolute crown AI heavily favors dejure and weaker targets for conquest. go sf hk gq nw bw bd oy oy yv