Best lgd cycle reddit. Keep the mk677 going with your nova pct as well.

• 5 yr. •. that makes 1. Enclomiphene Citrate and LGD4033? So I’ve been trying to figure out how to run Enclo during my LGD cycle. Before everyone crucifies me, I have done plenty of research and have read all there possibly is to read on the subject. The stack: (60 days) MK-677 @ 25mg/day (morning) LGD-4033 @ 5 mg/day (morning) PCT: (4 weeks) Torem @ 60/day Prami available if needed. As for BW, look up private med labs - $80-120 at LabCorp We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. LGD gets really suppressive, typically around week 5-6 of a cycle. Currently 2 weeks into an LGD 4033 cycle. • 1 mo. Results: User u/igotaflatire gained 12 lbs of mass during his cycle and finished off at roughly the same bodyfat % as when he started. Looking to gain as much muscle as possible with the least amount of side effects. ago. OP, you'll asplode. support: 10mg Cardarine ED to protect my lipids for 10 weeks taking weekends off. LGD-4033 Cycle length/Paranoia. 8 weeks have gone by and I finished my cycle 5mg ED 8wks no PCT. I use higher sarm dosages though. Went from 2. Just remember not to let yourself get too anxious when you're laying there dead ass tired for hours, with a heart rate that you can't seem to lower. I will get bloods done 2-3 days after cycle is done because LGD only has a half life of 24 hours. I only pct'd after the second and third run (3grams DAA for 2 weeks). Probably high free t converting to estrogen in the first few weeks when your shbg was crushed, then thr increase in prolactin from mk contributed to it. Easier on the side effect profile. These are the three exercises I will relate Enjoy the pumps and you’ll grow slightly. 5-2kg (4-ish lb) per a 6 week cycle if you average it. Your Enclo dosing shall be decided based on your pre bloods. 5mg daily, except Week 1 (3mg daily) and Week 2 (5mg daily) Enclo, 12. Estradiol is high. I’m currently on 200mg test cyp weekly. ago • Edited 3 yr. And, as far as results, you simply can't compare the two. Preface. phukno. LGD4 7. Rad 140 vs LGD 4033 for first cycle. Try the lgd at 5mg for half the cycle and put it up to 7. Also, have been taking mk677 the last 3-4 months. LGD is more of a bulking SARM, so that would be my choice. I'm going for 5mg for 8 weeks, thanks. You will get results out of 2mg for 4 weeks if you really wanted that but I’d recommend 3. (8 week cycle, maybe extending to 10) I typically wait until week 4/5 when the suppression symptoms hit. For reference i’m 5’9 150lbs. Bench was at 195 for 1. 50mg Mirodenafil 30mg Amino Tadalafil 10mg SR-9011 10mg GW-0742. 5mg for 12 weeks. B. You should run it 4 weeks before the end of your cycle and 2 weeks after increasing the daily dose during the last 2. 25 mg EOD) of enclo for OCT. Cycle details: LGD 4033. In my last post here i started to use ligandrol with 5mg (on pill). Don’t stress just dose in the morning everyday and continue as normal. I'm officially on week 8 of my LGD cycle. Then a low dose every day until end of cycle then pct. Ran lgd4033 from nootropic source. 8 weeks is nowhere near long enough for a test e cycle. Have a test base or Enclo on hand to run alongside it. LGD 4033 dosage 5mg ed vs 10mg ed : r/sarmssourcetalk. You’ve got about 2 weeks before the good feeling goes away. ). LGD definitly ruined past 8 weeks of my life, just this. Has little to do with your testosterone negative feedback loop. 25mg Enclo. As other have said vision sides can occur with nolva clomid as well but you unfortunately won’t know the case without trying them out. Pre-workout. You can do lgd again. C. Started 5mg for 2 weeks, then 7. Running Clomid while LGD. Lethargy is gone, and no other sides. Weeks 11 - 12 = 12. Notice how all products that actually boost test are not available over the counter. Once every 4 weeks per cycle. Added yk11 the last 5weeks out of 10 in a surplus. Im nearing the last 1. 4 week cycle of 20mg of LGD4 is dumb. LGD with MK677 is a good bulking cycle. I’ve been on my first cycle of LGD-4033 for about 2. Anavar, while effective is still relatively weak compared to say something like 19-Nors. Lysergic1138. Pre cycle Bloods (2 weeks before starting) I already take the basics, zinc, magnesium, vitamin d, b and c. LGD at 15mg at first cycle. What's up guys, I'm long time lurker now who now needs a piece of advice. 5mg at week 3 and then perhaps to 10mg for weeks 4-8. Depending on what they show will depend on wether I PCT or not, if so, I'm planning 20 mg Nolvadex for 2-4 weeks depending on how I feel. But yeah, other than that stack is good. 5 mg will definitely not hurt, and that's most definitely going to help. An easier way of looking at it is when you run harsh AAS, you have a test base, this acts as a safety net, it doesn't mean you won't . So far no side effects but my T level is supressed (i had my bloodwork done). I still only managed to gym around 2 times a week or even less due to the injuries. I’ve been eating about 3200 calories a day with 215 grams protein, sometimes higher, I’m 5’10” 195lbs. Notable, I had a stupid amount, to the point it greatly impacted my training, of fatigue during the 2nd run so I probably should've waited longer. Previously ran LGD at 15mg for 16 weeks. Experienced lifter with much experience using SARMs (about 10-12 cycles worth), first time with new SARM compound (5 week LGD-3303 cycle), bloods taken at baseline and 4 times post cycle, followed by significant suppression, followed by test booster and Chelated D-Aspartic Acid which I am suspicious contributed to levels being unable to rebound BioCracker. When suppressing Testosterone and SHBG from SARMs, you got a 406/9 ratio. But the nutritionist I’ve started going to has recommended that I take 1ml of 30mg per day. 1 week for the enclo to start working, and 1 SARMS (LGD 4033-5mg ED) Pros. Hey guys, im on a bulk (4,500 calories) im 6ft, 106kg, im 18 years old, ive been training for almost 2 and a half years or so, and i've just gotten a 30ml (300mg) bottle of LGD-4033 from auslabs. The next week i tried 10mg. Most recent bloodwork results are posted - no real change from mid-cycle, some minor improvements overall though. Before I started my first 12-week cycle I was weighing in at around 168. I've been off the LGD a week but havent stopped the enclo yet. Which makes sense since nolvadex and clomid both raise testosterone via the same mechanism. My question is whats the best pct for lgd - nolva/clomid or mk677 (i really wanna keep my gains). I would start 2 weeks before you think supression sets in approximately. No dude, you 100% need to PCT after any amount of LGD. Didn’t really feel anything till I got the LGD separate after week 4. As the title says, I just finished Week 1 of my first SARMs cycle. 5 for 2 weeks, then 10 for 4 weeks. Overview: Tomorrow I will be starting a 12 week cycle of LGD-4033 and I will be running the cycle for 12 weeks. I still have approximately 5 days of the 8-week cycle, so I haven't started PCT yet, but my plan is to do Nolvadex for 3-4 weeks (10mg/5/5. Week 1-12: 5 mg/day. Less is more with sarms. I was benching 220 for sets of 4, my deads were 400 for 4 and dumbbell shoulder press was 60 per arm for sets of 10. In addition to this, from week 3 onward, I will also be taking 3. Fish oil for joint health, p-5-p and/or vitamin E to reduce prolactin and NAC for liver support. NAC or TUDCA for liver support and fish oil for lipid support. Squat 285 for 3. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. I think my I'm responding well so far, and by responding well, I mean I'm not having any adverse reactions so far and I'm starting to notice an increase in my pumps and endurance when lifting (could be placebo at this point though) You can't really do any damage with that, but avoid any SARMs like ligandrol or ostarine unless you have a good PCT and some kind of androgen base or HCG. Cycle. 5 to 10mg over a 8 week period. In some individuals, the serms can even keep you above your natural level through the sarm cycle. More cost effective. 2. 10 week cycle at 5mg ed, 3. Starting weight: 178 lbs | 80. maybe s23 or rad140. If I remember my weight at the beginning of the year well, I am 5kg heavier and sligtly leaner. strength went up , every lift went up a lot of weight , started not to track cuz I was adding reps and weight each week. r/sarmssourcetalk. Ok. betapen. Is it really useless? Damn…wasted money ha and my goal is mass and strength. Also I would do a minimum of 5 mg lgd I wouldn’t go below that, it’s already a conservative dosage any lower and you might not see results that are noticeable enough. shorter cycle of 8 weeks. Great pumps, lifts going up…. • 2 yr. Sadly I didn't do blood work beforehand, but I'll do it for sure after my cycle ends What's up r/sarmssourcetalk. You only need it for PCT. It follows a cortisol negative feedback loop as it is ACTH dependant. So, I'm currently 2. i’d swap the doses. Aigh guys so I’m finally wrapping up my Lgd cycle which was up n down. Mk677 needs to be run a lot longer than 4 weeks. I don't know when the supression sets in with 10mg,but I think starting at week 3 may be better. I got absolutely no bloating on this, and this was legit chemyo LGD, and it works for recomping or even cutting absolutely fine. Before you start your cycle measure your faster morning The following is generally enough for mid and post cycle bloods, if your initial comprehensive tests are on point: Cistatin C (Kidney function); ALP, ALT, AST, GGT (Liver function); Total T & Free T; E2; LH; FSH; SHBG; DHEA Sulphate; Total Cholesterol; LDL; HDL; Triglycerides. 10-15mg MK-677 to combat the lowered GH from the Enclo. 10% BF Current stats: 5'7" 162 lbs ~10% Diet: 3000 calories, ~220g protein, carbs > fats before workout. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. . Feb 9, 2024 ยท Height: 5’10 | 178 cm. 7 kg. Hey man, im currently in my 8th week of LGD. You also won't need to take nolva for more than a week or two post cycle since you won't be suppressed after the cycle. 1. A lot easier to adjust your dosages if you experiencing any negative effects. I say 5. The diet: Keto - Aiming for less than 20 grams of net carbs per Length of LGD cycle. 6mg Enclo EOD starting week 2 until 2 weeks post cycle. 8 weeks. I’ve ran lgd at 5mg and 10mg before and got good results at 5mg as it is. 2mg to be incredibly effective. Test boosters are pretty much all a waste. Supplements : 1200mg NAC daily, Omega 3,6,9 Fish oil daily, Vitamin D, Glucosamine. I'll probably extend the cycle to 10-12 weeks since my BW doesn't indicate any real issues. Sarms suppress your endogenous test production. It's function is mainly before puberty to promote sexual development when your nads are still too small. still is suppressive, quite badly for some. At higher doses there's risk of more sides for only slightly more gains. I got a prescription for cjc 1295 and think that is a much better option, both promote gh production so they are good options post cycle and help your joints too. I waited 2 weeks between the first and second run then four weeks between the second and third. Posted by u/michy3 - 3 votes and 10 comments DHEA is one of the weakest androgens made by the adrenals in both men and women. This thread is archived. 5mg of enclo ed the last 2-3 weeks. Apparently, most of the Testosterone was converted to estradiol by the middle of the cycle, due to the fact that SARMs took up receptors instead of testosterone. 5mg and increase to 5mg. Around day 11-12 is when I felt it kick in. So In my conclusion, if you want to put on size and fine with eating in a surplus and take your training seriously LGD is a nice choice on the other hand if you want to really lean out and not worry about strength loss, and suppression as much Ostarine is a good choice. Thus absorption of these chemicals; RAD will essentially be “shorted” by LGD with the current available receptors. LGD 4033 is great in the winter with a test bade because 4033 makes you puffy, but if you're talking about LGD 3303 that stuff gives you the size with no bloat on test. 4. 3. SHBG. Previous Experience: My last cycle was a SARM Stack which ended in November and it was a 16 week stack but it was way too extreme in terms of compounds and dosages. 1st off, I understand that is a incredibly low dose for a long period. The cycle will be LGD 3-5mg ED. No real sides , I keep enclo lower and it seems to be the perfect dose Here’s my current LGD cycle for reference. Whether you do 8 weeks, or the recommended 16-20, you'll be shut down. i like to split my dose 2x a day. However, at the end of the cycle, I am back up to nearly 70kgs and still gaining good weight couple days post cycle. The point I am trying to make is that everyone is different. As some people requested here it goes, I started with 5mg ED for the first 10 days, then increased the dosage to 10mg. Havent done post cycle bloods yet, but from your and other peoples experience my test should be higher than normal even with only a week off the LGD. 9 days into cycle I hit 225 for 3 on bench and 315 for 4 on squat. LGD 4033 cycle completed. doesn't aromatise so less chance of gyno. Experience level: 1-2 years of training. The sides definitely get worse, but the gains also get way better. While LGD 3033 is pretty strong for a sarm, it's still a baby compared to the stronger steroids that exist. The difference between 5 and 10mg is pretty substantial imo. Follow your gut and go with what you think will be more effective for you. 125 mg Enclo ed Ancillaries- NAC 2000mg ed, fish oil. 5mg every other day, starting on week 3. Serms come with their own sides. If you don't want to PCT you'll need to take a SERM (enclomiphene, nolva, clomid, etc) alongside it to minimize/prevent suppression. 165 ~ 138. get a BP cuff also. Honest advice/opinion : LGD-4033. I started taking 5mg Tamoxifen at week 3. I was going to make a full cycle log when I started, but getting caught up with work distracted me (thankfully not my workouts). When I dropped back to 6mg these symptoms got MUCH less noticiable. How come I took lgd 7mg ED for 6 weeks and I can assure you my bloods wouldn’t look like a clean 25yr old male lol. Well that’s a 30 lbs increase on your bench and it’s not even a 1rm. After feeling it out, I'll be increasing the dosage to 7. I have a very good diet 250 gram protein a day, try to eat less than 3000 calories, 1hr cardio everyday after each lift, tons of water easily over a gallon a day,I weight 215lbs, 6ft 1 male 22 years old. I've ran three 5mg/ ~8 week cycles. no injecting. Be ready to lose some water retention now, quite quickly, and possibly some gains as you're probably substantially suppressed now from 12 weeks on a moderately high dose of LGD and PCT can take a while to kick in. Your bench 1rm is probably more like 235-240 meaning a 40 to 45 max increase. Good luck ! Higher stress on your body. After reading and watching videos the one I’m most interested in is LGD-4033. Probably prolactin related. In my opinion, it HELPS but doesn't completely stop the suppression. What should i be taking specifically, where do i get it from and what else should i be taking with it. Hi Mate's, Just thought I'd share my experience with my first LGD-4033 experience so far. [deleted] • 2 yr. You don’t need it. ADMIN MOD. I've heard nolvadex and clomid are both trusted but don't want to blow 70-100$ on something that doesn't work or isn't right We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Check your blood pressure daily in the morning and get yourself a glucometer snd do the same . Goodluck man, that’s already low and it’s gonna be worse after. So i will be ending my lgd cycle soon (2,5mg for 5 weeks). 5 weeks after cycle ended. My pct:15/15/10/5. 5mg Enclo. Then, after 3 weeks with no apparent benefits, took 15mg and finally noticed some changes. I just finished a 8 week LGD cycle with 12. Definitely not a weak cycle, not an ostarine only cycle, but you aren't stacking a gram of test with a gram of primo and tren here. PCT will be the same anyway. Works great. Probably start at 5 throughout the first 3, move up to 10 at week 4 and go from there. The higher the dose runs the risk of more side effects and issues. Ok so im running a cycle of testosterone cypionate and have started to wonder if it would About to start my first cycle, and heard that suppression is a bitch with lgd, so I want to be safe and use a pct after the 6 weeks just to conserve all the gains I can. Done 3 lgd 10mg/day cycles this year. 5ml) each day 2 days ago, today is my third day, i plan We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Pct and take 12 weeks off. You’ll still make gains on a deficit with lgd but it’s better off used for a bulk. LGD-4033 and MK-677 cycle advice and anecdotals! For my next cycle I plan on running the above mentioned things, I just was looking for peoples experience with it if you ran both of them together. Clomid and nolva stimulate it. Planning on buying some lgd4, yk11, mk677 and enclo and was wondering what dosages people think would be good for a stack. Do an 8 week cycle at 10mg. ~Sarah (sarmful) 1. continuing 4 weeks post cycle to retain gains while test climbs back. I don’t understand all the lingo going around this subreddit. Don't do it. I’ve done lgd before but it was a while ago and now I’m doing it with test. Ran mk677 from 12. Instead of loading the mk with lgd wait 1-2 weeks then start the mk or do it the other way around. Weeks 1-4 3mgs Weeks 4-12 10mgs I honestly think the first 4 weeks I should’ve upped the dose. Oh! LGD-4033 cycle help. Supplements: The Goal: Visible lower abs or ~9% body fat, with little to no lean mass loss. Prolactin or you e2 went higher than test because you were shut down. com. This would be my first time using PEDs. LGD is fine, but test is king, If you want keepable mass, and better results, test all day. Its not really necessary, but nice to have. Weeks 5 - 10 = 10mg LGD4033, 12. 20mg ed is a very high dose for lgd. I have no intention of trying to push my body beyond my natty limit, and I'm really only considering a cycle to get a speed boost in my gains. not nearly as strong as test. Read a couple reports and one guy even had 800s level testosterone throughout his lgd cycle, which was noted as significantly higher than You got a point. Blood work should include the following (ideally): Testosterone (total, free) LG, FSH. 5mg-50mg and got best results in terms of potency at around 25mg but would be happy to run as low as BEST PCT FOR LGD. Yes, similar effect. To help keep igf1 levels up to keep the gains. I've seen at least one poster who combined LGD and nolvadex and posted blood work on this subreddit a few years ago showing much less of a testosterone drop compared with his blood work on a LGD cycle without nolvadex. Now assuming the compounds aren’t fake you can expect to keep between 50-80% of your gains post cycle once again depending on too many factors for me to accurately predict. Been debating for months about starting my first sarm cycle and not doing it again after that. I am going to purchase NAC tomorrow before I start the cycle also. 10mg Rad 140 for 8 weeks. Especially since it was mk-677 mixed with LGD from pure raws. 5 weeks now and just wanted to get some opinions on it. So. 31yr old male with 15+ years of weight lifting experience several prohormone cycles done in early 20s and one test cycle. So I am planning on taking 5mg of lgd for 6 weeks and introduce liquid torem at week 2 of the cycle and continue up to week 10 when I complete pct. It is best to adjust the dosage of SERMS through a blood test. And 10 mg Lgd daily. Or. Feel like I wasted a cycle. The nice part is a PCT typically isn't needed when ran this way, or will be minimal at a very low dose. Still feel great, some suppression seems to be manifesting in the form of laziness (not lethargy). Going to use Enclo during week 3-4 and as pct. half in the morning, half 12 hours later. Thank you. 5 weeks into my LGD cycle dosing at 7. For example 20mg LGD. 41 ft 165 pounds, i've been working out for 13+ years. not as suppressive as test, not total shut down, recovery is easier and shorter. ldg is more for bulky boys. You’re going to mess yourself up taking such a low dose and without Ostarine to balance it out you’re going to get a lot LGD-4033 12 Week Cycle - Log. Take it around the same time everyday. Evening 15mg LGD-4033 10mg Ostarine 2. • 3 yr. As I can see torem is a popular serm for lgd. I chose this sarm because after doing a little research it seems to be the only sarm that has been put through many human trials with the We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Hey, looking to do a cycle of LGD but i’m unsure of where to start. Your dosages sounds on point as well. This is my cycle/experience: Week 1: 3mg Week 2: 6mg Week 3: 9mg Week 4-8 : 12mg Week 9/10: 6mg. You may be able to get away with a 4 week cycle but you’re risking crashing your test levels still. I take it every single day of the cycle from beginning to end. Duounderscore • 4 yr. 5 for the rest if you feel good. Lgd is a known “wet” compound and will cause bloating unless you dial in your electrolyte intake. Pedthrowaway1989. Brief history - 28 years old, weight training pretty consistently since I was 16 - bar a few moments where I lost all my gains Oh nice. Rad 140 runs great with anything but the aggression is hard to handle. 10-12mg daily for 7 weeks then take 4 weeks off. I did one last year only 4 weeks but I gained size and kept a lot of strength and I am wanting to go at it again but there is a slight concern I hope somebody could help with. At the same time, free testosterone remained the same as before the cycle. Weeks 1 - 4 = 5mg LGD4033, 6. Planning on taking lgd 5mg daily for 6 weeks to hopefully reduce surpression. in the second week of PCT. 5mg LGD 4033 for 8 weeks. Not sure if it's just placebo (my body should be saturated with LGD at this point), but I feel really good at the gym. Last year tried my first sarms cycle, rad 140 for 8 weeks, great results gain like 15 pounds and a lot of strength, no major side effects but haird shedding that last like for 10 We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Absolute no visual changes or increased strnght on gym, only a higher libido. Im looking for thoughts on this due to the fact that literature on sarms is starting to show there better taken in smaller amounts but for longer lengths of time. Keep the mk677 going with your nova pct as well. Anyways, when I do sarms, I usually have nolvadex with it. Hello all, Rn I'm 100% natty but thinking about hopping on a cycle of LGD 4033 to get a nice boost during my bulk. Before I started cycle. au since i live in Australia lol, anyway i just started taking 5mg (0. If you want to cut, eat in a deficit and keep protein high. LGD-4033 @ 2. Much more gains than you’d think at half the Reddit bro dose. Side effects: -Acne (face/back/chest) -Moodiness after coming off initially (subsided) I was also on MK677 at this time as well. Yea but it's easy to come off and functions as an awesome test base if you're just fucking with some orals or injectable dht derivatives. During the cycle I experienced lethargy and fatigue, mentally and physically. Hey buddy, if this is your first cycle, I would recommend you start with 2. The goal is not to get massive or strong af. Agree on PCT and 12 weeks off. Did 4 lgd and 8 of rad and gained 10 kg. I felt fairly strong but was more focused on being lean at this time. Enclomiphene. 5mg/day, and the gains are definitely apparent. 5mg you might as well get the most out of it. So far so good. LGD- 10 MG MK-677- 20MG Enclomiphene- 25 Mg starting week 3 till 4 weeks I recommend LGD strongly, and not just for bulking as everyone seems to say. 5 lbs. Reply. You won’t achieve full potential from both SARMs however the results may/will be better than a solo run. Thinking of either. From what ive experienced i felt the surpression around week 7 (lethargic, boner less hard, slight headaches, lil bit shorter temper). One of the top posts on this subreddit is from a user taking lgd with torem. Fun-Sundae4060. My stack is LGD-4033 at 5mg and MK-677 at 10mg. 10 lgd and 20mk. Note the fact you’re already poorly disciplined to the point you’re 20% body fat , you’ll lose any gains because you can’t eat properly. Discussion of SARM sourcing and general My plan going in to the LGD-4 cycle would be as follows: For weeks 1-2, I'll be taking 5mg LGD ED. Serious training for 10 years, last 3 years with ups and downs. Im not brand new to sarms with 3 cycles under my belt. Hi, i'm 32 yo, 5. true. The first was 25mg mk677 alone for 2 months and the last two have been 25mg ostarine + 25mg…. If the suppression is so bad from ldg cycles (commonly ran for atleast 6-10 weeks) why dont guys just run it for 4 weeks at 5mg? Obviously make a fraction of the gains but on a natty frame lets say you keep 2-3 pounds of muscle once water weight comes off post cycle, how is that not beneficial? My first LGD cycle with no PCT - results. Cons. This way you may not end up relying too much on a pct. 125mg ED (or 6. First ever sarm cycle. 5mg or 5mg or 10mg might feel right for you. Binding affinity is quite a bit one RAD140 situates around 7, whilst LGD is around 1. 66K subscribers in the sarmssourcetalk community. LGD Cycle Hey all I am looking for sound advice on doing another LGD 4033 cycle. Here for any tips/advice. Props to you but I’ve cycled three times and finally got on a test base because I hated feeln like shit 3. Best is 5mg tho do for 7-8 weeks depending on how you feel if your completely fine maybe 9. I want to do 12 weeks but if I start feeling shitty I’ll cut it off at 8. I experienced no weight loss/gain. It is ideal to do blood tests: before cycle. Morning 15mg LGD-4033 10mg Ostarine 2. Around week 4 I felt some heavy suppression side effects, loss of Greg Doucet recommended using mk677 when off cycle. 5 weeks of my 10mg 4403 cycle (upped to 10 from 5 after 4 weeks) and 5-10mg of yk11. By the time his cycle was over, he felt too tired to go to the gym. If you can afford to do 10 mg from start to finish, go with that The plan is for an update each day for about 60 days. There are medical journals claiming a dose as small as 1. Starting weight- 173lbs End weight - 200lbs. I’ve come across multiple sources saying A. You might need to pct with nolva 20/20/20/20 daily. So I'm about finished with my 5th week of LGD, made some decent gains so far broke a 3 year plateau on my DB bench press, added 20 (probably 50 now) pounds to my deadlift I initially planned on running for 12 weeks, bought enough for 10 mg/day for all 12 weeks but decided to lower dosage to 8 mg/day on 3rd week. Half a week = 6. Starting stats: 5'7" 158. Makes your pct smoother, you look better, and you'll be healthier I will lower Test to 250mg E10D again next week and i am throwing in 25mg ostarine just to healing purpose and also for a little strenght gain it usually give me. You don't have to switch sarms every time. And continued for 1. Most run it for a few months at a time. js jh fm eq gy bg al at xq cn