Lucidity boots. Ionian Boots of Lucidity item in League of Legends 2024.

I’ve played about 320 poppy jg games this season and neither of these options have ever crossed my mind. Total Price: 1350 | Recipe Price: 450 | Sell Price: 945. Movement speed changed to 30. So the high winrate can also be because of that. On the other hand, Ionian boots don't help her nearly as much as defensive boots would. 54% and is chosen in 1. Ionian Boots of Lucidity is a decent item in League of Legends. However, if you think about, lucidity boots also gives an upper hand in the same 1v1 just in the other way. Lucidity boots was originally intended to be for support champs after the rework, but the stats provided by other boots make them kind of obsolete. And sane for skirmishes/tf. Lucidity Boots are better like 90% of the time, only need the Sorc shoes if you need the extra Magic Pen which isn't often. Replaces Boots of Speed. I would argue that flat penetration is easier to obtain if you go ludens and penetration is easier to obtain as voidstaff is the most gold efficient ap item. The Fimbulwinter allows you to become tankier with the periodic shields and allows you to continue using skills with less worry for mana issues. Ionian Boots of Lucidity is a boots item in League of Legends. The cap at 415 is not super relevant, but the cap at 490 is a bit more relevant. If you want to go into tankier comps and their ADC/other “poppables” aren’t worth killing as much (I. your attack speed affects the whole AA animation, not just the interval between AAs. Active: Grants bonus movement speed for a short duration. 65% increase in clearspeed. Go luciditys. Personally it feels a bit weak compared to the electrocute build for me though, because none of your runes are good in lane, and you lack the burst to delete people in team fights. Attack speed feels so useless. Personal opinion. Beserker's has higher attack speed for better farming and higher damage to tanks over time. When running crit builds, I see a lack of CDR, and these boots seem like a reliable way to gain CDR for cheap. The sooner I get to 40% CDR the better. might benefit more from Ionian Boots than the more commonly used Sorcerers Shoes. UNIQUE Passive: Trucidity: Reduces the cooldowns of Summoner Spells by 10%. Illaoi build guides on MOBAFire. It's important to note that the soft caps are at 415 and 490. It's the best boots on champs that can use them well, for example, Sylas, Camille, Riven, a lot of mages, etc. Feb 26, 2024 · Best for necromancers: The Cycle of Putrescence ring, Aaron’s Will body armor, the Experimental Arcane Boots of Lucidity, and the Manaforged Crystal Wand of the Coven. The CDR also helps with mobility (E + W) and getting my ultimate earlier. Defense boots if even/ behind, lucidity boots if you are really ahead. Sorc's do more damage in one burst. i doubt we can calculate summoner spell haste unfortunately 1. Not all matches are the same, and there are been games were I rush certain boots and end up selling them for lucidity because I want to ult more. Ionian Boots of Lucidity are currently the best boots in the game. I feel like Gwen should be buying tank boots instead of Lucidity but I think it’s still okay to go for it. 4. With lucian more abilties casted = more autoattacks so I would say Lucidity. Available on: Summoner's Rift, The Crystal Scar, Twisted Treeline, Howling Abyss. I'm only an unranked plebian, but what I've heard said is that they're simply too efficient. The ability haste is crucial for Shen’s level 6 ultimate, the highest cooldown ability in the game. Essence Reaver + Lucidity Boots is just under 30% CDR, which is pretty much the threshold to be able to get an E reset after casting one other ability and triggering passive (around level 13 when E is getting maxed). UNIQUE Passive: +10% Cooldown Reduction. Stats: 25 movement speed. Ionian Boots of Lucidity item in League of Legends 2024. OOC MS was 483. Find details on League of Legends (LoL) item Ionian Boots of Lucidity on MOBAFire, including stats, costs, build, and effects. UNIQUE Passive: Enhanced Movement: +45 Movement Speed. These builds are designed to maximize the potential of each LoL forum thread "Ionian Boots of lucidity?". Every single item Ezreal gets gives ability haste, and the more you have the less effective it is, by the time the build is finished lucidity give about 3%CDR and we weight that vs 35%AS, 18 mpen, 25mr and tenacity and 20 armor and 12%aa reduction. So move speed over 490 becomes less gold efficient to buy. If the assumptions hold, Lucidity Boots should give ~<20% increase in your clearspeed. Site navigation Cart For one, Lucidity boots are 200 gold cheaper, so sometimes when you wanna upgrade your boots, but don't have enough for Sorcs, then there you go. Right now I think Lucidity are far better. Simply but they allow you to use more abilities, which means you do more damage. With 7,600g you can have BC,DD,Tabi What boot is better on AP Gragas right now? I've been primarily going sorcs, but I've seen a lucidity a lot lately. "dont pay attention to energy just pay attention to landing your skillshots" is the way id put it. Boots of Swiftness: Now that Alacrity is gone along with all other Boots Enchantments, you might be sorely missing some of that movement speed you used to have late game. More abilities also means that you drop more blobs meaning you actually heal more overall - therefore the extra healing from the extra blobs from the extra abilities may be worth more than the Ninja Tabi/Merc Treads defensive stats. Similarly, the best champs to build Ionian Boots of Lucidity are Lillia and Miss Fortune. The purpose of this analysis is to mathematically calculate when more traditional poke mages such as Vel'coz, Xerath, Ziggs, Morgana, etc. You'll most often go lucidity if the enemy team has a traditional, balanced team comp (2-3 Frontline, 2-3 squishy champs). Just the other day I realized that since CDR/ability haste is uncapped, you can throw lucidity boots into your build for a bit of extra haste without having to worry about overcapping. pbe. It is most commonly used in the Mid and Support Lane by Mage and Fighter champions. Boots of lucidity also synergizes with nimbus cloak because you lower the cooldown of your summoner spells; which means you are getting to proc the movement speed from nimbus more frequently. If you go Liandry's I don't think you should ever go Lucidity because you'll already end up having over 50 ah with Liandry's and 1 other item alone, if you go Lucidity you'll have like 70-90 ah even just on 2 items and you're getting really heavy diminishing returns. 02% of matches. League of Legends Premiere Illaoi Strategy Lucidity Boots gives 20 AH, which lets you cast your abilities 20% more often. leagueoflegends Lucidity objectively is really great on Azir, positioning and poke is how you win and are his greatest strengths. 1765% -> 17. I'd consider sorc if your team wants to end the game early (lane bully comp) and the enemy team wants to end late (scaling comp), especially if you are ahead and your enemy laner isn't bulky. Many That said, some attack speed helps a lot with auto-weaving spells. Mercs vs heavy AP/cc as mid and supp. These boots offer movement speed advantages in the early game. On some occasions with lots of auto attackers or heavy cc I may go steelcaps or tenacity boots, but never berserker. Lucidity Boots if you prefer AP Bard. pretty situational. I'd say Lucidity, she loves Ability Haste and they are cheaper. Pic 3: Buying Distortion to show that the cooldown can go even lower. It's 150 gold cheaper than sorcs, allowing you to roam sooner and it also grants summoner cdr, so you get to flash/tp/ignite more. Arena differences edit Attack speed changed to 45%. Lucidity easily is the most efficient CDR purchase. but unfortunately it's a really luxury/greed item on Diana. In Patch 14. Lucidity boots means more ghost cleanse too, so lucidity better. Always Lucidity Boots. This way, you are not forced to do Ionian Boots of Lucidity every game. I pretty much always go Sorcs. I don't feel like soraka has a really solid build right now, so it's kind of 6 vs half a dozen. Ionian Boots of Lucidity - Captain. Welcome to /r/CamilleMains! Berserker's Greaves is a boots item in League of Legends. Take a comparison to sorcerer shoes for example, at most they are only going to be providing 18% more magic damage while costing 1100 gold, while lucidity boots provide 20% more 40% early on bard is best so you can stun more often. You will see that other roles also opt into Lucidity boots if they can afford to forego resistances (I think every Lillia rushes Lucidity boots). People recommend to go Lucidity boots for the haste it provides, but League itself recommends to go Sorcery boots. ''This item is dedicated in honor of Ionia's victory over Noxus in the Rematch for the Southern Provinces on 10 December, 20 CLE. and sustain mages such as Vladimir, Swain, Ryze, Cassiopeia, Sylas, etc. Limited to 1 Boots item. Close menu. Sorc shoes are better if you can afford it but if you end up on a bad back with 650g and nothing to buy, lucidity boots are fine for the immediate spike. 32K subscribers in the CamilleMains community. if you are worried about energy, it doesnt really matter as if you land a skill with you and your shadow you get refunded energy. I think the benefit of going lucidity boots depends on what build you're running. So it's clear that 25% --> 40% CDR is a bigger change in dps than 0% --> 15% CDR, as each CDR point is more effective than the last. Also to note that lucidity boots are an item you would usually buy where you are already far ahead since they're the best offensive boots for jax, sincr zerkers are overkill. If you're going mythic => redemption then other boots could be better, but if you're going mythic => soggy staff or ardent then the extra AH feels a lot better. 17% cdr that early and that cheap is extremely valuable, and extra movement speed just does not match it even on champions that like to roam. Are there any situations where Lucidity boots are better off, or when it's worth sacrificing the magic pen? With lucidity boots you finish core much sooner, so you move on with other items. I think he means that sorcerer boots are better against enemies with no MR than against enemies with some MR. Dec 23, 2020 · In patch 11. Crypto Straight into lucidity boots and a codex (zhonyas) I've tried it and the CDR feels really good, and you get it pretty early to 45%. I get lucidity boots always. Also as a reminder, just because elise/olaf/nid are the most popular/best junglers at worlds does not make them the best solo queue junglers. Zerkers fall of lategame super hard, which is why I normally sell them after I have my 3 item core. Champs like reksai/leesin still don't buy lucidity. defensive boots. I came to the realization that Lucidity boots give almost no stats the later the game goes. You not kill enemy if bazoka minion / cannon minion comes to you ( you must farming Okey) TOP Illaoi with CDR 95% 7. This item fairs particularly well when combined with Edge of Night or with Axiom Arc. Berserker's Greaves are most commonly purchased by ranged basic attack-based champions, who can make the most of the attack speed. Jun 27, 2024 · This way, Ionian Boots of Lucidity stops being mandatory every game, because you will have 203 seconds of Ghost cooldown thanks to Cosmic Insight. Secondly, Summoner Spellbook is the most used keystone right now, which when stacked with Luciditys, you have summons up way before the enemy team. CDR boots is super underbuilt, its good on him ADC too because you can get your passive up a lot more often which makes up for the lower attack speed. ARAM. 222 DPS. ) Pretty much any game were I'm not being stomped by the enemy I got lucidity, but you know, a heavy AD team always call for Ninja tabi, and a lot of CC for mercury. Lucidity boots. Since jungle camps have 20MR now, the DPS increase of Sorcerer's Shoes is: [100 / (100 + 2)] / [100 / (100 + 20)] = 1. It also gives you more mobility with dashes and more frequent ults. The summoner spell haste also helps so your flash/ignite is up faster. The current best build also make sorcs redundant and lucidity becomes objectively better, builds like: Ludens or other mythic> Boots > Shadow > Void/Dcap. cdr boots is especially needed when you build something like eclipse which doesnt provide any cdr. ahead, even tho brutalizier is kinda better (examples are: renek, riven, jax, wukong). Pic 4: Me hitting level 6 and the CD going back up to Distortion + Mastery. Business, Economics, and Finance. ===. Ionian Boots of Lucidity Winrate Stats for Patch 14. it also allows for stun into ultimate into another stun. Ranked Solo Queue. •. The item build includes Youmuu’s Ghostblade, Boots of Lucidity, Edge of Night, Serylda’s Grudge, and situational items like Prowler’s Claw or Guardian Angel. Sorcs 100% is overrated on Azir. Also lets you replace your CDR in your rune page with something else instead, like MR or more AP. If the later, get the boots that allow to spam more abilities. 24. 5 of LoL, the URF Version of Ionian Boots of Lucidity Item has a Win Rate of 47. While tabis usually have the lowest winrate because they're bought in hard matchups when you need to survive in lane. roa only gives cdr from the mythic passive and seraphs only give 15 cdr meaning you really want the extra 20 from lucidity. Or should I just go for rift/nashors 1st. Boots on Pyke. This is why inspiration secondary is so strong (Magical Footwear, Cosm Lucidity Boots: Costs 900. Reply. Lots of other support APs like Lux, Nid, Morg, Lulu have abilities that scale with AP but don't do damage, which lend themselves to Lucidity boots. IMO socs aren't that important on ryze and i would rather take defensive boots or lucidity in most cases. That spike in mobility is extremely significant. Aug 26, 2022 · Once you have Lucidity Boots and Night Harvester, work your way towards Fimbulwinter which is your next power spike. 13 of LoL, the Ionian Boots of Lucidity Item has a Win Rate of 50. ago. Sorc or defensive boots. Removed. ElRampa. Information about the item, 'Ionian Boots of Lucidity', in League of Legends (LoL). Mobis only supp if you want to roam (which is almost every game). Ionian Boots of Lucidity's Gold Efficiency:New! More importantly though in the case of our lucidity boots, ability haste is conditional power, compared to the more permanent power that the other boot choices offer. If you do Ionian Boots of Lucidity and have Cosmic Insight, your Ghost cooldown will be 184 seconds. Builds Into: Berserker's Greaves, Mobility Boots, Boots of Swiftness, Ionian Boots of Lucidity, Mercury's Treads, Plated Steelcaps, and Sorcerer's Shoes. The less MR / Armor you have, the more impact 1 point in MR / armor has. Vasdll. If you want to 1shot though Sorcs are 100% the way. (Like reducing the enemies MR from 20 to 0 gives you way more damage than reducing someones MR from 220 to 200. If the former, buy the boots that allow for more damage. Sorcs gives you magic pen, which is nice if you are optimizing your build to pop people like balloons. Especially in soloq. Also picking up a dorans blade early (its actually underrated) Primary Runes: conq, triump, tenacity (always the atk speed is kinda weak imo), last stand (works way better than others cuz you wana bait enemies) Moreover, they are useful defensively since you're a hell of alot harder to gank with boots 2 when all the jungler might have is a couple longswords and no boots, or perhaps only boots 1. However, I often see Master+ players building Mobility With 15% CDR (40% total): 22. Also gives 10% CDR. Ionian Boots of Lucidity are a favored choice on attack damage casters, who prefer the ability haste to Berserker's Greaves' attack speed and don't tend to get as much ability haste from their other items as mages (who, for this reason, tend to buy Sorcerer's Shoes instead). The junglers played in worlds just happen to be lucidity boots champions, nidalee/elise/olaf all function well with lucidity. 1, with Ionian Boots of Lucidity and Cosmic Insight, you can get your flash cooldown down to 230 seconds, which is 4 minutes and 10 seconds faste Ionian boots are really good early game to clear camps fast and to be more mobile on the map. Tetsucubra • 2 yr. Nid and Morg have MR reduction in their kit as well. I have been buying Lucidity boots in almost all of my recent games after seeing many pros rushing it in their games. I wouldn’t rush it as first tho, would buy right after Riftmaker and stay with T1 boots until Riftmaker is purchased. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. Steelcaps vs full AD as mid and supp. Assuming my starting building is Revolver - Boots of some kind - Deathcap, which boots are better on Vladimir, Sorcerer's or Lucidity? Explanation: Pic 1: I have mastery so flash = 255 second CD. 25% of matches. And it actually feels pretty nice if you don't need the defensive boots. This Lucidity in mid lane/ if you want to solo carry as supp. Early I just rush either lucidity boots, or the ironspike item. Everfrost>Rabadon are core, if the enemy is building tons of MR, go void, if they have a lot of damage/Engage go tank, if is a complete stomp in your favor, full ap. - Sorcerer's Shoes (18 magic penetration) 1100 gold. Lucidity are good in matches where you feel AH is more valuable than magic pen or defensive options, (Just think on how much utility you would have with E spam). 13 In Patch 14. It is most commonly used by Mage and Support Ultra Rapid Fire champions. ''. Of course, running defensive boots if necessary but these boots do not seem like a bad choice and I have never seen any Graves player run. At first someone doing these calculations might think that it's always better to buy CDR boots, but of Sorc or Lucidity Boots? Which boots are more viable? Which wield the most benefits? Lucidity means more EQ, but sorc is strong EQ so they offset eachother. Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 9 votes and 21 comments Lucidity were good on casters like Ori to be able to constantly maneuver the ball around to control space. Unless that gold is used to finish everfrost, or buy rod. depends on if you already have ah from items. When you have lucidity you get +20 more movement sooner than if you waited for tabi, which makes it easier to travel back to turret, gank mid, or invade jg earlier. CDR is really good on Lucian as well as a lot of other of Caster ADC's which are the meta right now. At 40% CDR your Q has a ~ 3 second cooldown. Xypherous with an update on his tentative 4. If there are extended fights where you're kiting and cycling abilities, buy cdr (ex, galio mid, jungle udyr, Olaf top, ezreal bot, zilean/blitz support). 3 itemization changes - Boots of Lucidity changes reverted, some AP back on Spellthief's, AP Scaling on FotM active, and more. I always go Sorcerer's boots most of the time. If the enemy team is full of bruisers or tanks, flat magic pen will do little to them if not extremely fed, they can still itemize some MR to deny flat magic pen. Speed you already get from Boots and Na'Shor's, just add a Sorcery Elixir and you will be deleting turrets from the game. I see high-elo players running Lucid boots when playing Lucian mid sometimes. upvotes Apr 9, 2024 · Ionian Boots of Lucidity provide ability haste and summoner spell haste. The logic behind lucidity boots’ stats seem to be that supports benefit from HP to make them beefier and AH/CDR so they can use their spells more often. Although - if you are planning on roaming a LOT - obv go for mobi's. Then I'm free to pick the items with most tanky, most utility, most damage, without caring about CDR much. Of course you can add almost any on Fizz, but there are two great options for offensive boots on Fizz; - Ionian Boots Of Lucidity (20ability haste, 12 summoner spell haste) 900 gold. MontenegrinImmigrant. Share & discuss your favorite strategy guide or build on our League of Legends Forum! worth 1073 , costs 950. I think swiftys also reduces the self slow on q. It depends. Cheaper of the t2 boots gets you on the map fast and allows you to possibly get a dark seal instead of spending 1100 on sorcs, with Ionian boots you get more ability haste which means more rotations=faster clear also summoner spell cdr allows you to The CDR from boots of lucidity helps lower the cdr of talon's abilties. And in both cases, CDR boots give a higher DPS increase than MPEN boots. Since I saw a few posts asking about Lucidity this week, I decided to make a comparison table that shows the cooldown benefit of rushing Lucidity as first item. Lucidity boots seem like a nice option but I don't know of a situation where I would chose them over having the extra magic pen with Sorcs. Lucidity Boots: More Flashes and Barriers against assassins and divers. 92% and is chosen in 3. I do mostly ludens but crown can be interesting in some games Electro/firststrike and sometime conqueror, usually pom+tenacity secondary but you can change for bone plating in some games sorcerers: right after protobelt (the most magic pen u have, more efficient it becomes), only against low mr enemies. Even if you don't need the defensive boots, you have to weigh 15 AH . Lucidity boots are over tuned right now in general and could even see them being nerfed in the future. UNIQUE Passive: Alacrity: +20 Movement Speed. Ionian Boots of Lucidity: Cost: 900 gold +45 Tốc Độ Di Chuyển +15 Ability Haste: Gain 12 Summoner Jul 7, 2023 · The runes include First Strike, Magical Footwear, Future’s Market, Cosmic Insight, Sudden Impact, and Relentless Hunter. UNIQUE Passive: Captain: Grants +10% Movement Speed to nearby Lucidity for cdr cap. • 1 yr. In Combat MS was 467. League of Legends (LoL) Item: Ionian Boots of Lucidity - Alacrity. Give it a try for sure. That includes the windup of the AA animation, which is the only real important part for spellweavers. Swiftys are also viable if you dont like losing mobis ms in combat but still want to roam around. Dec 30, 2017 · With skill E first your tentacle in the top line come to many to kill enemy with skill W and you can skill Q if the enemy have to run from Illaoi. Not worth it over Sorcs or even mercs as there are no way to effectively build/make use of ability haste on her and more burst or tenacity takes priority. I never do lucidity but I do defensive boots when they are really worth it in the game (either mercs or tabi) otherwise I go pene. There was, and the boots of luicidity were made after that match and the description on it in game still states something regarding that, but that was during the time when Riot's Lore department had 3 people, instead of the pillows with faces marked on them as compared to now. Increases Movement Speed and Cooldown Reduction 20 Ability Haste 45 Move Speed Gain 12% Summoner Spell Haste. the problem is that ryze doesn't get enough cdr from roa and seraphs. Just curious with reasoning behind swifties and mobis as I don’t see as much benefit in these two options. Lucidity boots allows you to hit the cap a lot more easily + quickly, and gives you a good chunk of cdr prior to mid game teamfights. You can use it on almost every ranged support and on a bunch of meele ones (situational). Currently, I almost exclusively play with Lucidity Boots, except when facing heavy AA teams or lots of CC, because they provide me with a lot of utility by allowing me to use my summoners more often. 2 comments. Ionian Boots of Lucidity is a boot in Wild Rift. You can use it on most top laners if you are gettin signif. '. e: Ashe ADC, tanky mid/top/jg), you can go Lucidity to get more spells. Pic 2: Buy Ionian Boots, showing that the 10% DOES get applied. I feel that sorc boots give the best damage, but according to mathcrafters Ionian are apparently the best choice on him. It's a small difference, but it can have a different impact. More generally, if you can buy cdr but not sorc boots, it's probably best to do it for the item spike no matter what. They are indeed worth consideration and discussion at least in some occasions. Bruta + lvl 2 defensive boots is simply better tho. 4%). Cost: 300. xPetu highlights the importance of these boots for Shen’s gameplay and recommends them as a must-have item. Back timings are one of the big reasons boots of lucidity are seeing a lot of play: You can recall at 4 minutes after a full clear + crab and have just enough money to buy boots of lucidity which gives you a bigger early spike in damage and clear speed than pretty much anything else you can buy for 900g Ionian Boots of Lucidity are primarily used by support mages such as Lulu, Karma, Nami, Sona, etc. energy really is Lucidity boots doesn't offer much early game, and you're missing on CRUCIAL tankiness. Mobility Boots if you prefer Tank Bard. Gain 12 Summoner Spell Haste. Ionian Boots of LucidityCost: 950Sell: 665. Arena differences edit: Ability haste changed to 40. Lors2001 • 1 yr. And the more CDR you have, the less value attack speed has. HongKongAzir. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. 5. More stick twirls=more damage. Champions who purchased Ionian Boots of Lucidity had average win rates in the game (50. For the ability haste, the improved movement speed, and the haste on summoners, all in a single 950g item, they're a very strong and cheap first item to grab, especially since you're getting these much sooner than the 2 full items Nov 30, 2023 · Strategic Tip: Combining Dawncore with Ionian Boots of Lucidity and Cosmic Insight enables Enchanters to reach an impressive 48 Summoner Spell Haste. Lucidity: Every other scenario. 20 AH is a lot. 27K subscribers in the azirmains community. I usually rotate between lucidity boots and plated steelcaps, occasionally using mercs (depending on enemy team). Lucidity B2B. This synergy promises heightened effectiveness for Summoner Spells like Ignite and Exhaust. community. This effect is removed upon taking or dealing champion damage. yg mo ac eb fa kd kw an oj kb