Regex filename pattern matching. Find all file names that match a pattern.

Regex filename pattern matching. ‘books’ or ‘zelazny196 [0-9]*’.

Regex filename pattern matching. normcase(). fnmatch () functions, and not by actually invoking a sub-shell. dat and files: SampleA. 4. Or, depending on how complex your regex is, you could maybe also solve it with a simple wildcard match: ls wild[ck]ard*. baz instead of just . txt) do type %%f But it does not work. A regular expression to extract the filename from a given path. io. Two consecutive asterisks ("**") in patterns mathed against full pathname may have special meaning. *r3'. /. zip Here, UniqueId is 74482677-00f0-49ea-9330 Apr 19, 2022 · Then finding all the files in the directory that match the expression. glob("*. gitignore file. So, for example: somepath/testFile. txt/ {print FILENAME, $0}' file*. List. Question Mark (?) matches exactly one character. jar in the /opt/appName/-folder. org Jan 18, 2013 · I'm new to vbscripting and I just received a task that requires me to find 6 files with matching strings in the filename so that I can move these files to a different directory. First, let's do a quick review of bash's glob patterns. They are the same. ) here's one possible implementation of a matching algorithm that at least closely approximates what Windows uses: Aug 10, 2023 · Here’s how you can escape metacharacters in grep regex: Backslash (\): Use a backslash before a metacharacter to escape it. Matching files with regular expressions with list. Oct 22, 2022 · One of the most powerful features is regex (regular expression) pattern matching. *\. (txt or TXT). But if you are using activity like lookup or copy activity. Replace. Replace it with "20131106. ‘books’ or ‘zelazny196 [0-9]*’. Oct 30, 2015 · Yeah you need to use the include/exclude/filter option if you want to filter out files based on patterns. baz. I have an application in R (Shiny) where a user uploads to the application a *. Explain. csv to read the file "myfile1234. txt file038. How can i match the pattern with RegEx? Zip File: TestReport-20140311_18121024-BWSI MGMT-74482677-00f0-49ea-9330-f60738da4bc0. + matches the previous token between one and unlimited times, as many times as possible, giving back as needed (greedy) A repeated capturing group will only capture the last iteration. -maxdepth 1 -regex '\. TXT, but it will also match file. Check ?regex for more info on regular expressions. txt) do type %%f or. So, familiarize youself with regex, and enjoy pattern based batch file renaming! Nov 22, 2021 · 1. The comparison is case-sensitive when the operating system uses a case-sensitive file system. Use a glob pattern match to select specific files in a folder. Tools. fnmatchcase() can be used to perform a case-sensitive comparison, regardless of whether that’s standard for the operating system. * match whole word special characters check Match anything enclosed by square brackets. Regular expressions can be much more sophisticated. Thus, the \. @woohoo - The glob pattern d* will only match file names that begin with d. If the filename is undefined, the function returns undefined. /fubar3', you can use the regular expression '. Pattern. import fnmatch import os for file in os. The matching should cover the entire text (not partial text). ' or '. To get the 12 digit number you need to use group 1. This is probably real simple, but I can't seem to figure out how to do it. - wildcardFileName. The regex in this example searches for files that have (#) in the file name, where # is any nonnegative integer. Sep 9, 2011 · 4. Otherwise, the function uses a regular expression to extract the file extension from the filename. You will have to match all file names like I (and others) have shown you, and then perform some "regular" programming logic to filter out the invalid ones. Asterisk ( * ): Matches zero or more characters. let mut files = vec![]; let mut path = PathBuf::from(foo); let base = path. (py|html)$" should do the trick in the above example. In case you don't like the licensing there (or have trouble with the link, etc. LIKE The LIKE expression returns true if the string matches the supplied pattern. * means match any repetition of the previous character (hence . fnmatch (), glob treats filenames beginning with a dot (. May 11, 2010 · C# - Regex - Matching file names according to a specific naming pattern. Regular expression tester with syntax highlighting, explanation, cheat sheet for PHP/PCRE, Python, GO, JavaScript, Java, C#/. You can specify in the source dataset settings a wildcard file name or file path to fetch a file matching the pattern. 5. ]conf' file Oct 5, 2017 · With gnu find you can use regex, which (unlike -name) match the entire path: find . Feb 21, 2016 · The downloaded file name pattern would be any of below everytime : file_name_1. This is called filename extraction, and quite simply, it is extracting an element that matches a pattern from a string. Sep 1, 2015 · 69. If there are multiple - which there could be due to -All[Matches] , the grep -o equivalent - you can use ForEach-Object { $_. Modified 10 years, 2 months ago. The below zip file needs to be checked with the pattern it is located or not in a directory. 2 matches (0. *love. -type f -regextype posix-egrep -regex ". tex dhdgs kdkd. search or re. Also, I don't believe find supports regex extensions such as \d. for example. Viewed 11k times regex match file name in a path. -regextype posix-egrep -regex ". In regex, this would be written ^A. -regex alternative would look as follows: find . The . means match any character. Jul 21, 2010 · There are quite a few such functions around. Match file name using RegEx. listdir('. NOTE: per default it will recursively scan all subdirectories. As indicated, it is difficult to discover if some random string in a file is a filename, but If you know the general format of the filename you could search specifically for it. Success); But as mentioned, this is less readable and not efficient. Test whether the filename string name matches the pattern string pat , returning True or False. video?lowres. dat SampleC. Mind that the include is based on Java regular expressions, so we use dot star to indicate wildcard. Some editions of find, mostly on linux systems, possibly on others aswell support -regex and -regextype options, which finds files with names matching the regex. pdf" to match only files starting with 20131106. shp. getDefault(). DoSomething(); From above only #1 and #2 should be processed others should be ignored. react. txt') or something like that; they take in substring parameters. Precede a glob with a ! to exclude it. 3. search(regex, str(f))] return res. gitignore. Text. Oct 11, 2012 · final Pattern pat = Pattern. If you add a -r after the -name Mar 28, 2024 · Check Phone Numbers Using Regex In Python. Here, * is a wildcard and *. When selecting files, a common requirement is to only read specific files from a folder. Description. txt\b. This page provides an overall cheat sheet of all the capabilities of RegExp syntax by aggregating the content of the articles in the RegExp guide. fnmatch(), which takes in a filename and then a pattern. 0. dat The pattern would match: Oct 21, 2009 · But, if you have files whose names contain invalid dates or times, it cannot practically be done with regex alone, especially if your DATE_DATE part specifies a date range. m4v. zip Pattern to match: TestReport-{YYYYMMDD_HHmmssff}-[BWSI MGMT]-[UniqueId]. unwrap(). Its the only . gitignore patterns. Tricky to get right IMHO. Regex details: ^ - start of string [0-9]+ - one or Now I can use a SFTP Read to read a file in a server from the middle of a flow. Value } in PSv3+; in PSv2 you'd have to enumerate the May 17, 2012 · 1. I unpack these files into their own directory. Please specify the rules for file name matching and the expected output for the example Dec 8, 2020 · Python’s glob module has several functions that can help in listing files that match a given pattern under a specified folder. + instead. 00:56 Then you have fnmatch. Using grep with perl to find files. file_name_NUM. 1. Find is recursive by default, but ls is not. Very simple: ls | where Name -match 'myregex'. Where(path => Regex. patterns match relative to the location of the . py. search(regex, str(f))] else: res = [str(f) for f in p. In addition to the simple wildcard characters that are fairly well known, bash also has extended globbing, which adds additional features. \d\d\d-\d\d\d-\d\d\d\d. txt: Apr 10, 2020 · How can i match a filename, which is exactly (Capitals included) in the following format/pattern: yymmdd_Name1_Data_Prices, yymmdd_Name1_Data_Contact, yymmdd_Name1_Data_Address. Here's a directory of various implementations, sorted into recursive and non-recursive, etc. There are other options, though: (ls) -match 'myregex'. Unfortunately there is no way to specify something like file. ) as special cases. txt or . Using re. The file name with wildcard characters under the given Apr 27, 2017 · I am finding a way to get the filename assigned to a variable in my shell script. txt. * But while run Jan 8, 2024 · Let’s start with the very first example, using the java. These patterns are similar to regular expressions but much simpler. Shell pattern is not a full-fledged regex pattern. [\w_]{9}\. GetFileName(path), pattern). How can I get the substring of my filename when I only know its place and name-pattern? glob (programming) In computer programming, glob ( / ɡlɒb /) patterns specify sets of filenames with wildcard characters. 1 match [2] = 1. The regex in my snippet above matches the pattern with angle brackets, but I ask to capture only the internal number, without the angle brackets. match(r'Run. I have achieved it with a single file pattern: $ gawk 'FILENAME ~/file038. matcher(file); I would rather not go with the business of manual escaping as mentioned by the other answers here. Tests. /^\w+. Add this line to your . Last Updated : 02 Nov, 2023. Now I must specify a detailed name of my file. Nov 22, 2020 · This module is used for matching Unix shell-style wildcards. Details. -regex '. x. files. fullmatch. '): if fnmatch. An . Be careful --accept-regex is for the complete URL. How can I use a pattern like myfile*. Mar 6, 2014 · Regex to match all characters before file extension. somepath/test_File. dir/fileb. txt should not match. We specify it this way so that it doesn't match early on filenames like foo. in the regex pattern. If it matches then only that file should be processed or else it should be ignored. txt". Any character that appears in a pattern, other than the special pattern characters described below, matches itself. I need to match the 3 files names such as: file1. I have files that need to be uploaded and the filenames are saved in a database. Oct 4, 2023 · Regular expression syntax cheat sheet. These extended features are enabled via the extglob option. fnmatch(name, pat) ¶. baz, incorrectly giving an extension with more than one dot in it of . The pattern is: Regex rege 3 days ago · fnmatch. Unlike fnmatch. But it feels like this is a lot of work for a relatively simple problem. I've used \w, which is the same as A-Za-z0-9, and told it to match 9 characters so that it will match the _<date> part of your filename. It allows you to remove parts of a filename matching a regex pattern before transforming and matching against the export. txt$. And I want to list filename containing b so, I'm providing filename in regex pattern as argument like: (*. Flags. Any other underscore is fine. You were only matching the first character from there (i. So where you had the * wildcard, you want a . TXt. txt from the current directory to the directory textfiles. *?). I tried using regex to ignore the path: debian@debian:~$ find folder -regex "\/. cnf. *K$. txt to filennn. glob(glob_mask) if re. dat SampleB. How can I do this using Windows command line? Thanks! Jun 22, 2017 · Flags. (As expected, the NOT LIKE expression returns false if LIKE returns true, and vice versa. It's a bit tricky using glob. Jan 25, 2012 · Match characters not in the set by specifying this is an inverted character set ^. getPathMatcher( "glob:" + pattern); Here are some examples of glob patterns in Java: If you prefer to use suffixes for your files (e. The dollar sign ($) at the end of the pattern is used to anchor the pattern to the end of the string, ensuring that it matches only if the string ends with . See here: File globbing in . If you have fix number of digits then you can do it like \bP[\d]{6}. 2. Oct 1, 2021 · Then the file formats are in brackets, the “|” symbol essentially means either/or. 2ms) video lowres. Note that a matching pattern contains shell-like wildcards, e. JavaScript. * or a . Given a text and a wildcard pattern, implement wildcard pattern matching algorithm that finds if wildcard pattern is matched with text. To use this capability, you must select the File names match regular expression check box on the Advanced Log File Attribute Group May 25, 2015 · How I can check the certain file naming style using the regular expression? Example: FOO_FILENAME. A regex usually comes within this form / abc /, where the search pattern is delimited by two slash Nov 19, 2023 · Consider a list of filenames in a single string that looks like (every file has an extension) file1. *bar. 61. What we are looking at is the content between the single quotes '. If you really want to use regular expressions, you can use find -regex like this: find . which is faster than above options. $ indicates "end of the string", so we don't match "Run_foo. Use -regex: From the man page:-regex pattern File name matches regular expression pattern. rename MAY take regex as the arguments. Following regex is used in Python to match a string of three numbers, a hyphen, three more numbers, another hyphen, and four numbers. RegEx matching for a Jul 27, 2015 · 7. For example, the Unix Bash shell command mv *. For example you can do. Perl: using regular expression to find patterns in a file. file_name_2. dir/filea. fnmatch () compares a single file name against a pattern and returns TRUE if they match else returns FALSE. Jun 29, 2017 · Assuming that you need to match only the file name part of each file's path and that your pattern can be expressed as a wildcard expression, you do not need Select-String at all and can instead use Get-ChildItem with -Filter, as in Matt's answer, or the slower, but slightly more powerful -Include. Let’s see an example of using this method with a glob pattern: String pattern = "myCustomPattern" ; PathMatcher matcher = FileSystems. Given a list of filenames (without paths), find the files within multiple subdirectories and copy those files to a destination folder 1 Shell - copying directories recursively with RegEx matching preserving tree structure Nov 9, 2015 · Your regex would also work if you just use the file-name not the full-path: var matches = Directory. jar$ I know where my file is, but I don't know its name. You're very close. The "P*. e. xml file. Jan 8, 2024 · We’ll utilize glob patterns in this example because of the simplicity of applying wildcards as compared to regex. RegExr is an online tool to learn, build, & test Regular Expressions (RegEx / RegExp). Constructing a C# RegEx for any given filename. where NUM is any + integer. The fileName option is for a single file. Mar 10, 2016 · How do I do this? \bP[\d]*. For example, will download all the files from IMG00. 10_File Name. dat SampleD. xml I tried to create a regex pattern which should validate if the file name is a match. chars to get the rest of the file extension *. +\. Feb 1, 2024 · The pattern would match: image. ). Square Brackets ([]): If you want to match a literal square bracket, you can escape it with a backslash. 7. Using Powershell to verify: Jun 19, 2017 · I have groovy script which list filenames based on argument passed. I would like to be able to specify a range of file names and print the content of those files based on a match. match here yields the same results as re. )b(*. unwrap(); 19 hours ago · There are four separate approaches to pattern matching provided by DuckDB: the traditional SQL LIKE operator, the more recent SIMILAR TO operator (added in SQL:1999), a GLOB operator, and POSIX-style regular expressions. doc' To just count the number of files: find . txtTEMP. Detailed match information will be displayed here automatically. As for -name option: -name pattern - Base of file name (the path with the leading directories removed) matches shell pattern. If you want to output the actual text captured by the regex, use ForEach-Object { $_. If you receive an event, I imagine you're using the FileSystemWatcher. txt should match. file"); foreach (@files) { # do something } If you simply want to know whether a file matching the pattern exists, you can skip the assignment: Mar 18, 2024 · We can use the =~ operator to match the filename against the regex pattern . You can place regex separated by /. An explanation of your regex will be automatically generated as you type. *2280. edited Feb 17, 2018 at 13:43. This convention allows us to search our file system based on very granular name patterns found inside the file names – for example, the ability to search for all files that start with an A and end with a K. I've found a tutorial online that uses apache's commons-io package with the following code: Regular expression tester with syntax highlighting, PHP / PCRE & JS Support, contextual help, cheat sheet, reference, and searchable community patterns. In this solution, we need to create a File instance with a given string and then create a file on the local disk: public static boolean validateStringFilenameUsingIO(String filename) throws IOException {. jpg. Put a capturing group around the repeated group to capture all iterations or use a non-capturing group instead if you Jul 29, 2009 · For more advanced searching against a specific pattern, it might be worth using file globbing which allows you to use search patterns like you would in a . Value } instead, assuming there's only 1 match per line. txt and file. To get Group 1: INSERT_REGEX_OUTPUT_VARIABLE (0). If that's not a problem, great! Jan 17, 2014 · pattern for matching a filepath. dir/file2. Mar 9, 2021 · NOTE: The regex is applied only to the basename of the file path (the file name itself, with extension). If you want case-insensitive match, just throw in one of the insensitive regex flags and you should be good. Find files with matching patterns in a directory c#? 0. Regex pattern to valid file name. But our target is some specific files. Find all file names that match a pattern. *3', but not 'b. Jul 18, 2017 · The problem is, that I got a none as match, so the pattern is not recognized by regex. txt Some 038 text here May 23, 2022 · Select files using a pattern match. Oct 1, 2013 · 1. Using std::regex and given a file path, I want to match only the filenames that end with . I need to implement File[] files = getFiles( String folderName, String ptrn ); Where ptrn is a command prompt style pattern like "*2010*. Hopefully this helps. A backslash escapes the following character; the escaping backslash is discarded when matching. We are learning how to construct a regex but forgetting a fundamental concept: flags. bar. Pattern matching is done using os. I read the man page and realize there is the option -name, which searches only the filename, but it does not seem to allow regex, and -name -regex does not work. You can use glob to return an array of all files matching the pattern: @files = glob("*. Instead of enumerating each file and folder to find the desired Nov 11, 2015 · Where the content of the quotation marks is your regular expression. txt'): print file The syntax would be fnmatch. Any other string would not match the pattern. yes, the pattern would match any 8 digit number followed by 0 or more arbitrary characters, and extension . Here the numbers may change sometimes, now how can i assign this filename to a variable. for %%f in ([a-zA-Z]+. mp4. pdf. Groups (1). fnmatch(file, '*. For example, to match the dot metacharacter (. Regular expressions are a lot more powerful than that. The regular expression /^d/ will only match strings that begin with d. txt and that are not of the form _test. ]+)+. txt" I'm familar with FilenameFilter class, but can't 1st Capturing Group. Aug 3, 2012 · Regex pattern match a filename. fnmatchcase(filename, pattern) Please have a look here for more examples Apr 15, 2019 · The bash man page refers to glob patterns simply as "Pattern Matching". ICU regular expressions. Remember that matches currently is only a LINQ query, not a collection. Jul 17, 2019 · I would like to print file whose name does not contain '$' using Windows command line for file name pattern matching like regular expression: for %%f in ([^$]+. Dec 4, 2012 · This is going to be a configurable regex which will be used by the clients (users) to mention the filenames or the file types that they want to filter. tXt and file. txt'. 2 match [3] = 1. 1 Pattern Matching. Foo. reference: wget manual: https://www. For a regular expression, you would use: re. ), you would use \. Using the glob module we can search for exact file names or even specify part of it using the patterns created using wildcard characters. zip file that contains all the components of an ESRI shapefile. More about regex in python can be found here : Regular Expression HOWTO regex101: build, test, and debug regex. Nov 2, 2023 · Wildcard Pattern Matching. So in your case, remove fileName option and replace it with include=. py$') A quick explanation: . . Caveat: So, you could say filename. $ python glob_asterisk. dir/file. video_lowres. For example, if you are processing logs, you may want to read files from a specific month. g. */foo/[^/]*. /[ \w-]+\. Regex to find a file in folder. *[^0-9][0-9]\. And update/replace capital letters. /g. I'm using the Keyword from robot framework OperatingSystem library: Wait Until Created But I'm unable to set the file name matching pattern in my code. If you need more information on a specific topic, please follow the link on the corresponding heading to access the full article or head to the guide. The special pattern characters must be quoted if they are to May 19, 2013 · Regex pattern match a filename. The NUL character may not occur in a pattern. find . File class. So we will use -A. to_str(). txt" is a wildcard expression, which, while looking similar to a regex, is different from (and much less powerful than) a regex. * means any sequence of chars) \ is an escape to escape the explicit dot. Match or Validate phone number Match html tag Find Substring within a string that begins and ends with paranthesis Simple date dd/mm/yyyy Blocking site with unblocked games Match dates (M/D/YY, M/D/YYY, MM/DD/YY, MM/DD/YYYY) 12. Matches[0]. video-lowres. However, I cannot set the File Matcher (which includes filename pattern into it) like SFTP On New or Updated File. May 19, 2017 · Nov 7, 2013 at 3:14. js for a React component file), you can use a second configuration parameter. csv f-i. (\/[a-z_\-\s0-9\. NET, Rust. dat Example 2: Given the pattern Sample[A-C]. start banner. Try the following Regex: ^RegZStmntAdj. This is useful for deleting duplicates in a folder where the same set of files have been dumped many times, such as by a music manager. (jpg|png|css)$". fn find(foo: &str) -> Result<Vec<String>, Box<dyn Error>> {. That pattern is of the general form of the Unix or Bash shell, the way that you match filename patterns with that shell. dat The pattern would match: SampleA. txt\b this will work. [tT][xX][tT]"); This will match file. This folder then, may or may not, contain a *. 2. FILENAME Here I want to compare file name with this pattern FOO*. jpg from the URL. Jul 3, 2018 · Print only the filename where the contents match: rg -l regex # OR: long-option form rg --files-with-matches regex Print only the directory entries (filenames) which match the given pattern under <directory>: rg -g '*glob*' --files <directory> The -g specifies a glob whose rules match . (jpg|png|gif|mp4)$/igm. The first matches 0 or more of any character, and the second matches 1 or more, but both should work for this case. compile(fnamePattern); final Matcher m = pat. jpg to IMG29. Regex for a file name without an extension. *\\. png image. Oct 22, 2022 · This convention allows us to search our file system based on very granular name patterns found inside the file names – for example, the ability to search for all files that start with an A and end with a K. I am using the regex pattern "\d{8}-\d{6}" to locate all of the strings within the filenames. May 7, 2012 · Update: It's important to understand that the match and capture in a regex can be quite different. Patternz like *_autosave* match files or directories containing "_autosave" somewhere in the name. Match(Path. This allows you to add both inclusions & exclusions to your search. dir/file1. Please see below the example code snippet from the Microsoft Source above: What it supports is filename expressions ( Globbing ), a form of wildcards. To list files in a subdirectory, you must include the subdirectory in the pattern: Sep 3, 2015 · Regular expression to find files that match a pattern in R. In this tutorial, you will see how to use regular expressions to match file names on a Linux system. Click To Copy. endswith('. Example 1: Given the pattern Sample[AC]. NET. The meta-characters should be wrapped in brackets for a literal match. The ^ pattern in regexs can mean start of string or start of line (i. Mar 1, 2013 · I have a file name which must look like this: A123456_B123456_v1. Formula: s/(1)/(2)/ where (1) = search pattern, and (2) = replace pattern. I would do it this way: p = Path(path) if inverse: res = [str(f) for f in p. This is a match on the whole path, not a search. dir/subdir. Aug 25, 2017 · I hope this regex should do the job: -(. 3. Both parameters are case-normalized using os. doc' -printf '%i' | wc -l (The %i format code causes find to print the inode number instead of the filename; unlike the filename, the inode number is guaranteed to not Oct 14, 2014 · I have a directory of files with filenames of the form file000. Just replace the 6 with your desired fix number. ToString. For matching the file name name in python you can use fnmatch module. somepath/testFile_test. Ask Question Asked 12 years, 11 months ago. Match 0 or more non-. Dec 25, 2018 · 5. The following regex almost works, but : it includes trailing spaces in the matches : Feb 17, 2018 · 4. txt textfiles/ moves all files with names ending in . glob(glob_mask) if not re. A regular expression (shortened as regex or regexp ), [1] sometimes referred to as rational expression, [2] [3] is a sequence of characters that specifies a match pattern in text. GetFiles(@"D:\mypath") . is a special character in regular expressions which matches any one character. *b. le. startbanner. And if you can get it into a wildcard match without character classes you can Nov 13, 2015 · 7. But my file has naming format as file-1. 8. Jun 17, 2021 · Python glob () Method to Search Files. Roll-over elements below to highlight in the Expression above. So it can be both jpg or pdf. My desired output is: match [0] = test1 match [1] = 1. pdf is added to the regex pattern, and ^/$ anchors make sure the entire string must match the regex. The wildcard pattern can include the characters ‘?’ and ‘*’. xsl. print match >>> None I want to continue using the expressions from the file name. *_autosave*. For example, to match a file named '. *$" But it didn't return anything. csv"? Jul 28, 2013 · Efficiently matching a set of filenames with regex in Perl. File file = new File (filename); boolean created = false ; Apr 27, 2021 · And I am looking for something by which I can validate the file with specific pattern. Detecting Filename Patterns for Creating RegEx. Jul 11, 2020 · The pattern matches every pathname (file or directory) in the directory dir, without recursing further into subdirectories. Matches. the underscore). A regular expression to match valid filenames. Usually such patterns are used by string-searching algorithms for "find" or "find and replace" operations on strings, or for input validation. ico Character set examples. Regex check if a file has any extension. Something like this. txt is a glob pattern. Say, if you are searching for conf files references with alphanumeric names you could use grep -E '[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+[. parent(). Click to open in Reference. I will provide you a sample code from the documentation. 0-SNAPSHOT. My java code should get that configurable regex from properties file and match the current filename or filetype with the regex to check if there is any matching. As an alternative way to specify file-name patterns, you can use regular expressions according to the International Components for Unicode (ICU) syntax that is documented in Appendix H. The expression ensures that your filename conforms to specific rules, including no leading or trailing spaces and no use of any characters besides the letters A-Z and numbers 0-9. According to git help gitignore. If the regular expression matches, the function returns the extracted file extension; otherwise, it returns undefined. There is no explicit regex way of validating if the incoming file name matches a pattern. gnu. I'm looking for a way to get a list of files that match a pattern (pref regex) in a given directory. Validate filename in c# through regex. after ) depending on the regex options but that's not applicable here, since the inputs are just strings. scandir () and fnmatch. path. It can be used to validate filenames entered by a user of an application, or the filename of files uploaded from a scanner. It does support some limited pattern matching. dp ia gx jm mz cz re yw aa tf